
Sea to Swallow California

Hamilton Nolan · 06/25/12 08:50AM

California, the doomed and sun-scorched absurdity ruled by Bloods, Crips, Mickey Mouse, and Arnold Schwarzenegger, will sink into the thirsty lips of the merciless ocean by century's end, according to scientists. The time to flee is now.

America Is Super Hot

Caity Weaver · 04/10/12 06:10PM

A government climate report released yesterday confirms what we all guessed when we spent St. Patrick's Day sunning in our bikinis. Earth's hottest new club is America.

Climategate Hacker Strikes Again

John Cook · 11/23/11 03:16PM

The person or persons behind the so-called "Climategate" email hack two years ago are at it again: A second trove of roughly 5,000 emails to and from climate researchers at Norwich, England's East Anglia University has popped up on the internet.

Global Warming Could Make the World's Animals Smaller

Lauri Apple · 09/28/11 06:57AM

Do you sometimes wish you could shrink your pet crocodile just a little, to make it less frightening and threatening to your family's safety? Sadly, you'll have to make do with your oversized pet for now, but the Americans of the future (if there is a future, ha!) might enjoy smaller crocodiles and other cold-blooded pets thanks to global warming (which isn't actually real).

Stephen Colbert Defends the SpongeBob Squarepants Global Warming Conspiracy

Matt Cherette · 08/10/11 12:21AM

In case you haven't noticed, it's been a really hot summer. But that didn't stop Rush Limbaugh from declaring the heat index a government-created liberal fallacy, or prevent the esteemed hosts of Fox & Friends from suggesting Nickelodeon is using SpongeBob Squarepants to indoctrinate children to believe in that whole global warming "hoax." And while most people with half a brain laughed at them, Stephen Colbert used tonight's Report to defend his science-hating friends. Video of Colbert's segment is above.

Your Cable Box Is Killing Our Planet

Jeff Neumann · 06/27/11 12:00AM

What's worse for the environment than an air conditioner? Your goddamn cable box, that's what. Watching TV these days is basically like doing whippets around a styrofoam bonfire in Yellowstone National Park. From the Times:

Mitt Romney in Big Trouble for Talkin' Science

Jim Newell · 06/09/11 11:27AM

Mitt Romney was a bad Republican last week. We'll tell you what he did, but first, send your children into the other room. Ready? He gave a big old bear hug to Science, by casually acknowledging that climate change may exist and humans may play some role in that. This is a calamitous "gaffe," and now everyone else in the GOP is trying to destroy him anew.

Republican Blames Trees for Global Warming

Jeff Neumann · 05/26/11 05:23AM

Republican Congressman and former friend of the Taliban Dana Rohrabacher has an idea for curbing global warming: Gut the world's rainforests of old and decaying trees, because greenhouse gasses are "generated by nature itself." The California Representative thinks this whole idea of manmade global warming is bullshit, and wants to have developing countries with large rainforests to go in and do some heavy duty pruning.

Global Warming Can Be Cured by 'Small Nuclear War'

Max Read · 02/27/11 10:45PM

How can we fix global warming? (Assuming it's not a plot hatched by public employee unions to force sharia law on the U.S.) One solution, promoted egghead "scientists," would be to stop driving cars and focus on renewable energy sources. But new computer models suggest a much easier, and far more fun, solution: A nuclear war!

Welcome to the Next Two Years of GOP Investigations

John Cook · 11/03/10 03:04PM

The GOP won its very own House! Now's the part where they throw their shit all over the walls. Here are the criminal enterprises, like science and community organizers, that the GOP will use its newfound subpoena power to crush.