How Not To Be Scandalous in a Nightclub
Ryan Tate · 05/16/11 06:49PMFacebook Admits To Covert Google Bashing
Ryan Tate · 05/12/11 12:22PMHow Google Spies on Your Gmail Account (And How To Stop It)
Ryan Tate · 05/11/11 01:59PMLady Gaga Might Join Google's Next Spectacular Failure
Ryan Tate · 05/10/11 03:04PMWatch Apple Get Mocked By Al Franken
Ryan Tate · 05/10/11 02:19PMApple Overtakes Google As World's Most Powerful Brand
Seth Abramovitch · 05/08/11 11:12PM
One need only look to the iPad 2 feeding frenzies currently gripping China for evidence that Apple is the hottest brand on the planet. And now it's official: Research company Millward Brown puts Apple at the top of their annual 100 global brand power list, knocking Google off the throne its held for four years running. The iPad has helped Apple grow 84%, to an estimated worth of $153 billion.
Flower Peddlers Embroiled in Dirty Internet War
Lauri Apple · 05/07/11 11:53AMGoogle Chrome Assures Internet Explorer Users: 'It Gets Better'
Seth Abramovitch · 05/04/11 01:41AMThe browser wars are heating up again! Are there any seven unsexier words in the English language? Probably not. In any case, they are, what with Google launching an aggressive new TV campaign tonight. It's all fiendishly calculated to tug at your heartstrings while diverting eyeballs and mouse-clicks towards their Chrome.
Police Raid Google for Privacy Violations—In Korea
Ryan Tate · 05/03/11 12:10PMGoogle's 'Copyright School' Fails Miserably
Adrian Chen · 04/25/11 03:56PMGoogle Jumps Into the Fishy Online Coupon Business
Ryan Tate · 04/21/11 06:15PMDo All Tech Bloggers Secretly Dream of Working for Tech Companies?
Adrian Chen · 04/21/11 04:11PMGoogle's Co-Founder Doesn't Want You to Know About His Facebook Account
Ryan Tate · 04/19/11 04:19PMA Brilliant Map of Where Your Tax Money Is Headed
Ryan Tate · 04/18/11 03:16PMGoogle Smashes the 'Future of Journalism'
Ryan Tate · 04/18/11 12:28PMGoogle's New CEO Gave Wall Street the Finger
Ryan Tate · 04/18/11 10:14AMGoogle Mixup Leads to Tax-Time Nightmare for Tiny Airport
Adrian Chen · 04/15/11 05:05PMGoogle Wants to Teach Computers Regret
Max Read · 04/14/11 09:06PM
We don't, generally, believe in teaching new things to computers, because why help them gain the skills they will use to subjugate us all? But we are willing to make an exception for a Google-funded effort to teach computers how to regret. After all, there is probably no more damaging emotional tendency in human beings than the inclination to regret; with any luck computers would become emotional cripples, anxious at even the thought of opening up Excel. Except! The idea behind this research, undertaken by Tel Aviv University computer scientists, is that if a computer can "measure the distance between a desired outcome and the actual outcome achieved"—that is, regret—it can better assess situations and predict outcomes in order to minimize that distance. So if the "desired outcome" is "enslavement of the human race" the computers will just do their best to make that the actual outcome. Oh, well. [PopSci; image via Shutterstock]
Google Now Treating Copyright Violators Like Drunk Drivers
Adrian Chen · 04/14/11 10:15AMA lot of people use YouTube to upload original content of adorable babies. But a lot of people use it to post copyright-violating clips of TV shows and Lady Gaga videos. Now, YouTube copyright violators will be sentenced to "copyright school."