Google Shifts Toward Amway Compensation Model
Ryan Tate · 04/07/11 06:45PMThe Three Luckiest Guys in Tech Had an Awesome Week
Ryan Tate · 04/07/11 02:20PMPut Your Shoes Back On, Privileged Techies
Ryan Tate · 04/05/11 01:12PMEmployees at Google and AOL are among those going barefoot today to raise awareness of shoeless poor kids. If only there were some other way rich techies could help third world children, aside from disgustingly and dangerously removing their shoes!
The Online Reputation Gap
Adrian Chen · 04/03/11 01:57PMThe Time Google's CEO Tried to Clean Up His Own Google Results
Adrian Chen · 04/01/11 05:44PMYouTube Did Not Think Through Its April Fool's Joke
John Cook · 04/01/11 12:55PMIt's 1911 on YouTube! That's YouTube's April Fool's gag—push a little "1911" button on the screen, and you get an old-timey version of your video, complete with a piano-roll soundtrack. This joke is not appropriate for all videos.
Microsoft Files an Antitrust Complaint
Adrian Chen · 03/31/11 10:14AM
Microsoft has just filed its first antitrust complaint, in the EU against Google. Let's try to get past the obvious fact that this is like Lady Gaga complaining that someone dresses weird and rips off Madonna while she hurls stones out of a glass house. This is important stuff. It could determine which massive tech corporation controls all of our data in the dystopian future!
Google Co-Founder's Surprising War on Multitasking
Adrian Chen · 03/25/11 03:16PM
Google co-founder Larry Page is set to take over as CEO of Google when Eric Schmidt steps down on April 4th. He's already started instituting some changes to streamline bureaucracy in an attempt to help the massive company return to its startup roots. And according to the Wall Street Journal, Page doesn't want Googlers distracted during meetings:
Lady Gaga Googles Herself
Adrian Chen · 03/23/11 09:59AMGoogle Goes Gaga: The Mama Monster's Q&A With Google
Leah Beckmann · 03/23/11 09:10AMObama Is Thinking of Naming Eric Schmidt as Commerce Secretary?
Adrian Chen · 03/18/11 05:56PM
Eric Schmidt has already expressed interest in a book deal and a TV show. But is politics where he's actually headed after his stint at Google is up in April? Rumor has it Obama is "close to naming" Google CEO Eric Schmidt as Secretary of Commerce. This would be an OK idea as long as Schmidt never opens his mouth or offers his weird opinion on anything. Maybe he'll know how to help Obama boost productivity by spying on idle workers in Google Street View.
Senator Calls for 'Vigorous' Oversight of Google
Jim Newell · 03/11/11 04:38PM
Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee simply does not care for Google. It dominates the search engine field with near-monopoly power. More importantly, corrupt Barack Obama is friendly with some people at Google. And so Lee wants to conduct "vigorous" antitrust oversight into the corporation, like a socialist.
Inside a Thrilling Ride in Google's Auto-Driving Car
Richard Blakeley · 03/07/11 01:35PMDuring the TED 2011 conference Google gave rare demos of its auto-driving car in a large controlled empty parking lot. Here it displays getaway mode, something that could become valuable to anyone trying to get away quickly.
Take a Ride In Google's Self-Driving Car
Adrian Chen · 03/04/11 05:41PMYour Google Results Just Got Better
Adrian Chen · 02/25/11 01:28PM
If you've never gotten excited about an algorithm before, now's your chance. Yesterday Google unveiled changes in their magical search formula designed specifically to weed out results from annoying content farms that churn out dumb articles like "How to Boil Water." Google says the change should affect around 11 percent of all searches and yield more useful information.
Glenn Beck's War on Google Actually Makes Some Sense
Adrian Chen · 02/19/11 05:34PM
Glenn Beck was on Bill O'Reily's show last night, talking about his ongoing anti-Google crusade. (See video above.) Glenn Beck only pays attention to things insofar as they fit into his crazy conspiracy theories, and he suddenly became aware of Google a couple weeks ago as news emerged about the key role Google executive Wael Ghonim played in Egypt's revolution.
Glenn Beck Is Afraid of Google
Max Read · 02/17/11 03:46AMRick Santorum Will Always Be an Anal Sex Byproduct on Google
Jim Newell · 02/16/11 12:57PMGoogle's Search Result Doping Scandal
Adrian Chen · 02/13/11 01:30PM
The Times today has a fascinating account of the lengths some companies go to game Google's search algorithm and get their websites listed higher on results. Times reporter David Segal looked into why J.C. Penney was ranked No. 1 in a suspiciously high number of searches. Turns out they, or someone working on their behalf, were paying to have thousands of links to J.C. Penney planted on spammy backwater websites. Google unwittingly took these links as legitimate and J.C. Penney was catapulted to the top of the search ranks, just in time for the 2010 Holiday shopping season.