
Scientology's Glamorous New Friends

Ryan Tate · 03/28/08 04:17AM
  • Game over, Scientology wins, they have Pete Doherty and Sumner Redstone. Viacom chairman Redstone hasn't actually converted but did have lunch with Scientology bigshot Tom Cruise, probably canceling in his area a personal and business rift with the actor and paving the way for more sweet Mission Impossible money. Doherty has been reading up on the religion and shacking up with a Scientologist DJ who probably hasn't yet mentioned the religion's stance on psychoactive drugs.

Oprah's $7.1 Million Doghouse

Ryan Tate · 03/25/08 04:28AM
  • Oprah Winfrey's best friend Gayle King bought a $7.1 million New York penthouse in the name of the talk show host's dead dog, because apparently there weren't enough lesbian overtones in their relationship. The pad is owned by "Sophie's Penthouse LLC." [Observer]

Paris Hilton Imitates Selflessness

Ryan Tate · 03/21/08 06:45AM
  • OMG Paris Hilton is finally saving African kids with her beautiful love, just like she promised! Oh wait, the kids go to a private school and are wealthy. Paris' way too fashionable clothes don't even look dirty. Nice try, liar. [Faded Youth]

Winona Ryder Thought Shoplifting Season Already Underway

Ryan Tate · 03/20/08 06:14AM
  • It's been so long since actress Winona Ryder stole anything that she's not up on the latest anti-theft technology. A drug store employee said she tried to steal makeup, via her purse, and was caught by the stupid door alarm thing and made to give it back. Wait, people actually stop for those alarms? I am always just waved through. But then my photo isn't taped up in every retail establishment in Los Angeles. [Daily Mail]

Britney's Medical Records Guarded Better Than Nuclear Secrets

Ryan Tate · 03/17/08 05:17AM
  • UCLA Medical Center is in the process of firing at least 13 workers who snooped on Britney Spears' medical records around the time the singer was admitted to the hospital's psychiatric unit Jan. 31. Other workers face discipline, including six physicians who also snooped on the digital files. Most couldn't get near the juicy stuff because the psych records are sealed off more tightly than regular medical records. Which is nice, but this is the same university that lost national nuclear secrets at Los Alamos (and elsewhere). Glad to see the University of California has its priorities straight!

Amy Winehouse's Father About As Awful As Expected

Ryan Tate · 03/14/08 07:26AM
  • Amy Winehouse's dad is trying to steal credit for some of his daughter's problems, but not the drug thing. Just the other ones. He was cheating on Winehouse's mom basically since the singer was born, then moved in with his mistress when she was 10, then married the mistress. Now Amy Winehouse makes songs like "What It Is About Men." [Us]

George Clooney Explains How Gay He Is, Exactly

Ryan Tate · 03/10/08 04:22AM
  • Actor George Clooney Googled himself in front of Esquire and addressed the various rumors that popped up. On his alleged feud with Fabio: "There is a moment when you are actually in the argument and you're thinking, 'If I do get beaten down by Fabio, that will be far worse than the pain. I wouldn't shake that.'" On being called "gay, gay, gay:" "No, I'm gay, gay. The third gay – that was pushing it." [People]

Britney Spears Actually Investing At Least $2,500 Per Week Wisely

Pareene · 03/07/08 09:52AM
  • Singer Britney Spears, said to be worth around $50 million, has become steadily more sane since her father was placed in control of her finances and other affairs several weeks ago. She parted ways with hanger-on ex-paparazzo Adnan Ghalib and earned the right to see her children more often. Apparently her father is compensated at $2,500 per week for his oversight, and the many tabloids that make money off Spears insanity are incredulous. So is comedian Rosie O'Donnell, who wrote in her Web Q&A forum that Spears' dad's high pay has become "the problem." Apparently these people have never priced rehab, or done some simple math on the scale of Spears' image problem.

Robert Downey Jr. Bringing Back Blackface

Ryan Tate · 03/06/08 05:52AM
  • Actor Robert Downey Jr. is about to be in blackface in a movie, but it's totally OK because it's so meta: Downey will not wear blackface to pretend to be black; he will wear blackface to pretend to be a white actor pretending to be black. Totally different. [Film School Rejects via Digg]

J. Lo's Baby's Bodyguard Probably Makes More Than You

Ryan Tate · 03/04/08 07:30AM
  • Jennifer Lopez turned to Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes for advice on her baby twins, probably after being introduce by close Lopez buddy and crazy Scientologist Leah Remini. So singer Lopez now has a masseuse and trained color therapist specifically for the kids, six new bodyguards for $600,000 and closed-circuit cameras in every room. Also, for that extra touch of crazy, Lopez built a "sterile" baby wing uncontaminated by flowers or presents, filled with relaxing music and painted in "intelligence boosting" colors.

Britney Throws iPhone In Pool For The Best Reasons In The World

Ryan Tate · 03/03/08 04:49AM

Look What Pete Doherty's Cat Did To His Poor Inner Nostril

Ryan Tate · 02/29/08 07:50AM
  • Here is a picture of English musician Pete Doherty bleeding out of one nostril during a concert this week. He blamed his cat. (My cat tries to sell me cocaine all the time, too, but you just have to learn to give a firm and consistent "no, Angel.") [Sun]