The Today Show Is a Den of Backstabbing and Intrigue
Hamilton Nolan · 03/25/13 09:21AM
After Ann Curry was unceremoniously fired from The Today Show last year, nugget-headed everyman cohost Matt Lauer was demonized as the driving force behind her ouster. But did Lauer really deserve to become morning TV's most hated man? According to a new New York magazine profile by Joe Hagan... yes, he kind of did.
The Forgotten 'Myspace for Millionaires' Is Purging Untrustworthy Members
Hamilton Nolan · 03/18/13 10:46AM
A few years ago, a tiny social network catering exclusively to rich wastrels called ASmallWorld became a momentary fascination of gossip sites like ours, because, hey—an "invitation only" snobby Facebook for rich people? Someone dial up the NYT Style section piece at once! At the peak of its hype, the company attracted Harvey Weinstein as an investor; but ASW's traffic remained flat, and the sheen of the "Myspace for Millionaires" wore off, and he offloaded his stake. Eventually, people who weren't members of ASW stopped hearing about it.
Marilyn Manson Might Be Dead Right Now For All We Know [UPDATE]
Neetzan Zimmerman · 02/07/13 01:00PMCory Booker's Spokesman Refuses to Say Whether or Not He's Gay
Max Read · 01/29/13 10:16AM
The world cried out for more words on puppy-rescuing Newark Mayor, New Jersey Senate hopeful and Twitter celebrity Cory Booker, and Buzzfeed has delivered — 5,000 of them, answering the question "Can Cory Booker Keep It Together?" (the answer: Maybe?). Unfortunately, only a handful are devoted the only question anyone really cares about: is he gay? The answer, again, is "maybe?"
Tony Danza Says the Flu Made Him Puke on a Plane; His Seatmate Kate Upton Says He Was Hungover
Neetzan Zimmerman · 01/15/13 05:55PMDemi Moore Auditions for Twerk Team at Alex Rodriguez's House (UPDATE)
Jordan Sargent · 12/06/12 10:20PM
Demi Moore is down in Miami this week for Art Basel, hanging out with her post-Ashton catch Vito Schnabel. Like any normal American getting over an embarrassing, trying divorce, Moore was seen last night partying at Alex Rodriguez's house with Lenny Kravitz. At the party she was just being a very cool, totally non-embarrassing mom, who just so happened to be putting on an unsolicited audition for the Twerk Team, YouTube's foremost ass-shaking troupe.
Last Minute Christmas Wish List Addition: Emma Stone's Pre-Fame Sex Tape
Neetzan Zimmerman · 11/21/12 12:41PMSelena Gomez Ditches Dinner Date With Justin Bieber, Locks Him Out of Her House
Jordan Sargent · 11/17/12 12:48PM
Breaking news on the Gomez-Bieber front: last night, Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber had dinner together at a Japanese restaurant in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, according to TMZ's highly-trained fleet of spies, the date did not go well, as Gomez allegedly ditched the date after less than 10 minutes. Our own spies in L.A. (just trust me), overheard the entire conversation:
The Happy Endings Cast is So Funny, But Funny In an Inside Jokes and You're On the Outside Kind of Way
Robert Kessler · 11/14/12 04:43PMIf You're Kanye West's Friend, He Will Show You Photos of Kim Kardashian in a Bikini
Jordan Sargent · 10/28/12 11:25AM
Kanye West has no problems bragging about Kim Kardashian in his songs, and unsurprisingly that also extends to real life. Earlier this week, Kanye performed at a party for Samsung at Skylight in New York. There, according to the New York Post's very professional gossip hounds, Kanye was being very Kanye.
Here's the Aspiring Male Model Allegedly Bragging About Screwing Jessica Simpson's Dad
Jordan Sargent · 10/27/12 01:28PMBritney Spears' Ex-Manager Says She Was Smoking Crystal Meth (Probably)
Jordan Sargent · 10/18/12 11:15PM
One of the saddest parts of Britney Spears' protracted public meltdown was that her life at the time was in the hands of people who were at best extremely sleazy and at worst plainly manipulative. One of those people was her then-boyfriend, Adnan Ghalib, who was a paparazzo, which speaks for itself, really. The other was her manager/"life coach" Sam Lufti, who wormed his way into her life after claiming to have worked for Kevin Federline as private eye. Sounds bulletproof, I know.