
Why Lindsay Lohan is a Gay Hero

Sheila · 06/12/08 11:15AM

Those photos of actress and pop singer Lindsay Lohan nuzzling her "close friend," DJ Samantha Ronson, have attracted surprisingly little attention. A lot of female celebrities pretend to have girl crushes—it's edgy—and at first we automatically dismissed the images as publicity-seeking. Even the confirmation of a relationship by Lohan's semi-estranged father can be dismissed as his own quest for attention. But the relationship between the freshly rehabbed star and her lesbian friend is quite extraordinary, and here's why:

Radio Vengence

Ryan Tate · 06/12/08 05:33AM

"Talk queen Wendy Williams' husband planned to rub out a rival radio DJ who used her own show to badmouth his wife, a lawsuit filed yesterday claims." [Post]

Kate Moss Left Party Because It Was Lame, Not Because It Was Coke-Free

Sheila · 06/11/08 04:56PM

We told you earlier about Kate Moss's hissyfit at MILK studios during an Agent Provocateur party—according to Page Six, she left because they wouldn't let her bring three friends into the bathroom, citing a "strict one-person-at-a-time policy." (So basically they suggested she was a cokehead!) But Ray LeMoine, a blogger was at the affair (which happened in early May) says this is bullshit: "the bathrooms at MILK were big multi-stall affairs, and plenty of sniffing was audible from the men's pisser. There wasn't an attendant or anything." Also?

Is Hachette's "Digital Dunce" Really A Dignified Bedeviler Of Dilettantes?

Ryan Tate · 06/10/08 09:40PM

Two commenters argued today that our coverage of the brewing civil war inside Hachette was way too harsh on digital VP Todd Anderman, who we dubbed a "digital dunce." Anderman, you'll recall, is said to have offended the sensibilities of deputies Joe Berean and Keith Pollock with a mind-numbingly-long series of reorganizations and content aggregation strategies. The case against Anderman as an all-thumbs manager was only cemented by his accidental big-screen projection, at a staff meeting, of some instant-messenger venting of work frustrations to his wife. But our comments say the fault for the disaster at Hachette lies not with Anderman but with fashion primadonnas like Zee and his allies, including former store-salesman Pollock. "Todd's reputation in this business is stellar and for you to put such a nasty hit piece like this is deplorable," one wrote. Well, his reputation isn't universally "stellar," judging from the fallout from Berean and Pollock's resignation, reported in our original post. But every feud has two sides, and far be it from us to ignore either. The pro-Anderman comments are reproduced after the jump.

Jared Kushner: "Real estate is like porn for rich people."

Hamilton Nolan · 06/10/08 12:46PM

Former Daily News gossip hack Lloyd Grove has a lengthy interview with New York Observer owner and golden-boy-about town Jared Kushner out today, in which the 27-year-old Kushner yacks and yacks about his real estate holdings, his media holdings, and how the Observer's revenues are way up this year (although it's doubtful the paper has made him money yet). He's guarded, and talks a lot like a PR person. But one thing comes through quite clearly, just by his use of examples: this is a rich, rich young man. And maybe done dating Ivanka Trump? He won't say. Still, the time to snag this wealthy media baron is now!:

Spitzer Almost Nailed For Thing He Already Admitted

Ryan Tate · 06/10/08 06:01AM

Oh wow! The feds are totally about to bust former Gov. Eliot Spitzer for, get this, sleeping with one or more prostitutes! What a coup. It seems federal prosecutors have lined up their third pimp-type cooperator in their case against Spitzer, Emperors Club VIP operator Mark Brener. Brener's deal follows similar cooperation from alleged madam Cecil Suwal (who doubled as Brener's girlfriend) and alleged booker Tameka Rachelle Lewis. There's supposedly one-more ringleader in negotiations, close to striking an agreement. Hooker Ashley Alexandra Dupre and one other call girl are also testifying. The feds are salivating with excitement, since crafty Spitzer didn't say anything in his apology speech they can use against him in court:

Elle's Digital Dunce

Ryan Tate · 06/10/08 03:17AM

After the severe bloodletting at Hachette's websites last month, one would expect remaining survivors at Elle.com, ElleGirl.com and Premiere.com might be grateful. Not so. In fact, there's been something of an uprising against digital vice president Todd Anderman (left), a clumsy transplant from Maxim Digital. As Women's Wear Daily is reporting, two of Anderman's top underlings have resigned: fashion director Joe Berean and Keith Pollock, executive editor of Elle.com and ElleGirl.com. Left unsaid? Pollock is the shopboy installed by Elle creative director Joe Zee, with whom he is said to be cozy, so his disgruntled exit from Anderman's employ will not soon be forgotten. Nor will the purported reason, a series of Anderman-instigated messes stretching back to an embarrassing incident involving the VP's laptop and a digital projector.

Liz Smith Thinks Col Allan Is 'Absolute Total Shit!'

Hamilton Nolan · 06/09/08 12:17PM

On the safe-for-women news site WowoWow today, octogenarian Post gossip queen Liz Smith weighs in with her opinion of bosses: "My boss is an absolute total shit!" Goodness, Liz! "As I have a lot of bosses in this world just as newspaper, magazine-writing, TV-appearing, Internet-contributing souls all have, I will not identify just which particular boss this is," she adds. But of course, we know exactly who she's talking about.

Gina Gershon Did Not Have Sexual Relations With That Man, Mr. Clinton

Pareene · 06/09/08 12:08PM

There is a rumor going around that Bill Clinton totes kissed Gina Gershon. Perhaps you first heard of this rumor here? 30,000 of you might have. This rumor got reported as one of the many things unnamed Clinton "advisors" were worried about in the recent Vanity Fair piece about Bill Clinton's messy business dealings and possibly scandalous personal life. Which led to Bill calling the piece's reporter a "scumbag" and now, because of the heat and probably because of Britney Spears' tears-of-a-clown-car, popular actress Gina Gershon denied sexing the former president on Regis and Kelly this morning. This is, of course, Ron Burkle's fault.

When Will Anne Hathaway Dump Her Loser Boyfriend?

Ryan Tate · 06/09/08 05:56AM

Anne Hathaway can be so very dense. Her friend and fellow starlet Kate Hudson tried to warn the actress that her Italian boyfriend Rafaello Follieri was a loser, but Hathaway got pissed instead of listening. But the evidence keeps adding up. First he squandered tens of millions of Bill Clinton's dollars on penthouses and vacations when it was supposed to be used to redevelop Catholic properties. Then he got arrested for writing a $215,000 check against an account with $39 in it (to a PR firm no less — genius). Now his "Follieri Foundation," which supposedly vaccinates children in third-world countries, is under investigation by the state Attorney General for allegedly not filing basic tax-disclosure form. Now Anne's caught up in the mess because she used to sit on the foundation's board, probably because Follieri set it up to impress her and distract the winsome starlet from what a total scuzz he is. [Post]

Amy Winehouse's Racist Song

Ryan Tate · 06/09/08 04:20AM

The latest awful thing druggie singer Amy Winehouse has done is to sing a racist song on camera, set to the tune of children's song "Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" but with racial slurs substituted for body parts. The British singer's racist ditty was recorded a year ago by husband Blake Fielder-Civil, who swore the videocamera wasn't on. Britain's News Of The World, which released the video, said Winehouse appeared to be in some sort of "dingy crack den." If some terrible bigoted crap like this has to come out, it might as well come out now — Winehouse is so far down the road of self-destruction that a disaster of this scale was considered pretty much inevitable, and the fact that she was goaded and high will help blunt the backlash. Video of the song, if you care to watch it, is after the jump.

Patrick Swayze is Back!

ian spiegelman · 06/08/08 12:15PM

Back in March, it was reported that Ghost, Dirty Dancing, and Roadhouse heartthrob Patrick Swayze had just five weeks to live before succumbing to pancreatic cancer. Well, screw that, says Swayze. His doctors have cleared him to return to work and the A&E Network's just ordered up a new season of his FBI drama The Beast. "A&E has ordered 13 hourlong episodes to go into production this summer in Chicago, with a tentative premiere set for early 2009."

Nobody Cares About Perez Hilton

ian spiegelman · 06/08/08 09:57AM

At left is the launch of internet gossip monster Perez Hilton's clothing line at Hot Topic in Hollywood last night. Aw, poor Perez. No one showed up to meet him! An eyewitness reports: "Some freaky lil employee with a handful of wrist bands asked if I wanted to meet Perez Hilton at 6pm! I was like NO, I just ate. NO one wanted wrist bans [sic] it was kinda funny." More photos of the sad, sad, sad event after the jump.

Gossip Writer Haunted By Satanic Curse

ian spiegelman · 06/08/08 09:44AM

If you're going to straight-up steal the name of a grumpy old man's book, make sure he wasn't best buds with noted Satanists Aleister Crowley and Anton LeVay. Darwin Porter wrote an "updated" version of Kenneth Anger's 1959 scandal classic Hollywood Babylon, and now he has the forces of eternal darkness to contend with. "It's very bizarre, but a close friend of Kenneth told me he's come out with Satanic incantations against me. I have to protect myself. He was a friend of Aleister Crowley, the Satan worshipper who drank the blood of virgins."

Battlestar Galactica Goo-Baths For All!

ian spiegelman · 06/07/08 08:55AM

Hey so last night was that big important episode of the Sci-Fi Channel's space cotillion Battlestar Galactica. Are you just dying to find out what happened? So am I!

Tabloid Editors Insane From Brangelina Pressure

Ryan Tate · 06/06/08 01:51AM

The birth of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's twins is, for celebrity tabloid editors and producers, like a presidential election night, the Superbowl and a moon landing all rolled into one, and the incredible pressure is destroying them one at a time. Bonnie Fuller was an early victim, losing all grip on reality at the end of March, when the magazine she then ran, Star, described a New Orleans wedding between the power couple that never took place. Then, earlier this month, Entertainment Tonight reported that Jolie had given birth to the twins in France, a story that was swiftly denied by reps for the couple and that is raising questions about the show's standards (apparently it was like the New Yorker of celebrity journalism). Now, Fuller's replacement at Star is also messing up the Brangelina story, cropping a month-old photo to make it look like Jolie "collapsed" in the south of France:

Did Email-Spying Newsman Hate His Punchy Co-Anchor?

Hamilton Nolan · 06/05/08 11:09AM

Page Six has a "DARK THEORY" (or, if you prefer, a "bizarre scenario that seems possible") about why former Access Hollywood host Larry Mendte would want to read the email of Alycia Lane, his cop-slugging former co-anchor at the CBS station in Philly. Yammering coworkers say that Mendte was jealous of Lane's success, and "worked hard to take Alycia down." The clear implication is that Mendte may also have been responsible for leaking past gossip items about Lane's personal life. It certainly qualifies as a dark theory, but is it true? Nobody knows yet, so here's an anonymous coworker's gratuitous quote about Mendte's wife: "She's an older version of Alycia, which I find a little freaky." [P6]