Lindsay Lohan's German GQ Interview, Translated For Your Reading Pleasure · 07/16/10 01:39AMThe New Anna Wintour: Whoever InStyle's Editor Is
Hamilton Nolan · 05/18/10 12:27PMHeidi Montag Sues The Hills Creator for Sexual Harassment and Other Publicity Stunts
Brian Moylan · 04/15/10 10:40AMLou Dobbs: Fascinating Mass of Contradictions (Also Idiot Xenophobe Asshole)
Pareene · 04/15/10 10:26AMTurn Your iPad Into a Futuristic News Portal
Ryan Tate · 04/02/10 12:49PMRielle Hunter the Only Person on Earth Who Loves John Edwards
Adrian Chen · 03/15/10 02:15AMIceland Ready to Rake in That Sweet Journalism Money
Hamilton Nolan · 02/11/10 01:31PMCondé Nast Can't Win
cityfile · 12/21/09 03:23PM
This hasn't been an easy year for Condé Nast (or any magazine publisher for that matter). But the company now has a bit more bad news to contend with in the form of a hacker who gained access to Condé's network this fall and swiped 1,100 files from GQ, Vogue, Teen Vogue, and Lucky, a number of which were later posted online. Condé isn't sure who was responsible for the breach, although it's since managed to get several of the sites that posted the files—a list that includes five alternate covers for GQ's December issue—to take them down. (One of the blogs that posted some of the offending content,, still has thumbnails of the five covers posted, although the links to the larger images no longer work.) Even more concerning, though, is that Condé Nast reports the hacker continues to have access to its network, and it can't guarantee more material won't be posted on the Web in the future. The company filed a copyright lawsuit against the unknown hacker(s) last week; the suit appears after the jump.
The Moment Before Sarah Silverman Proposed a 'Four-gy'
Brian Moylan · 11/19/09 12:07PMBeau, Bow, Botox
Brian Moylan · 10/29/09 09:38AMGeorge Stephanopoulos' New Career Path
Hamilton Nolan · 10/28/09 12:42PMcityfile · 10/23/09 03:31PM
• The job cuts at Condé Nast continue. (Apparently laying off everyone at once would have just been too easy.) Yesterday it lowered the boom at Vanity Fair and GQ, although VF editor Graydon Carter managed to shield his eyes from carnage since he'd jetted off on vacation earlier that morning. [NYP, WWD]
• News Corp. appears to be the front-runner to buy the Travel Channel. [NYT]
• NBC has picked up Community, Parks and Recreation, and Mercy for the full season. It's also signed Adam Carolla and Don Cheadle to each do a show.
• Last night's premiere of The Jeff Dunham Show set a new record for Comedy Central, which, if you've seen Dunham, is a sad statement indeed. [Wrap]
• Silliest rumor of the day: Politico reported this morning that friends were urging Fox News chief Roger Ailes to run for president in 2012. But that's not going to happen, of course, so a few hours later Politico posted Ailes' denial.
• The first official portrait of the Obamas was taken by Annie Leibovitz. [VF]
• A few early predictions for Best Picture, if you're interested. [LAT]
Graydon Carter Jets to Bermuda While Layoffs Hit Vanity Fair?
Hamilton Nolan · 10/23/09 09:34AMStop, Jennifer Aniston, We Can't Keep Up!
Andrew Belonsky · 10/16/09 04:30AMGazing Upon Abbie Cornish Sipping Boba
Richard Rushfield · 09/14/09 03:18PMЭй, вы можете прочитать запрещенную статью GQ про Путина здесь (Part 2)
Gabriel Snyder · 09/05/09 12:02PMЭй, вы можете прочитать запрещенную статью GQ про Путина здесь
Gabriel Snyder · 09/04/09 11:32AMIn an act of publishing cowardice, Condé Nast has gone to extraordinary lengths to prevent Russians from reading a GQ article criticizing Vladimir Putin. As a public service, we're running it here and ask for your help in translating it.
The Jackson Memorial, The WSJ, Another NYT Scandal
cityfile · 07/08/09 11:39AM• How many networks covered the Jackson memorial? Count 'em yourself: ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, HLN, MTV, VH1, VH1 Classic, VH1Soul, BET, E!, TV Guide, TV One, Univision and Telemundo. [AdWeek]
• The WSJ is planning a weekly New York-only arts-and-culture section. [NYO]
• Condé Nast will launch a version of GQ in China in October. At last! [NYT]
• The view from Sun Valley: Barry Diller doesn't think Twitter is ever going to make any money. But Disney chief Bob Iger says we're all going to be paying for online content in the near future. So everyone is in agreement. [WSJ, WSJ]
• OK!'s $500K cover of a dying Michael Jackson wasn't a big hit. [DF]
• The New York Times has pulled down a gallery of photos that had been digitally manipulated, presumably without its knowledge. [E&P]
• Coming in 2010: An entire cable channel devoted to Olympic sports. [THR]
• The adult entertainment industry is phasing out "narrative arcs" and dialogue, and it's supposedly because the Internet has shortened attention spans. [NYT]