Apparently recruiters have complained to the board of a Columbia investment banking club that students they are meeting with about potential jobs haven't been keeping up their end of the ol' societal hygiene bargain. So, an embarrassing memo went out.

Here's the full memo, from Dealbreaker:

To: ‘'
Subject: [IBC] Personal hygiene

Dear 1st Year Members,

It has come to our attention (through complaints from IBC board representing firms they are going to full time) that some of you may not have followed personal hygiene basics during recruiting events. We understand that it is an incredibly intense recruiting period, and is very hard to find time for yourself, but this is a friendly reminder on some dress code and personal hygiene basics:

§ Brush your teeth regularly, or have a mint/mouth refreshers before going to recruiting events (avoid chewing gums)

§ Carry anti-perspirant with you if you are worried about sweating. Don't wear too much cologne/perfume

§ Carry a sewing mini-toolkit, in case your suit hems need an emergency sewing

§ Professional haircuts

§ No backpacks with you

§ Men – no tacky cufflinks or watches (with no crazy patterns, silver is preferable to gold)

§ Women – wear (preferably skin colored) hosiery and always carry an extra pair in your bag

§ Women – if it rains, do not show up in rain boots, no matter how cute you think they are

And again, if you have ANY concerns, please do not hesitate to share with the IBC Board!

Oh good! That is not mortifying at all. "Dear Adults, you have not been wearing deodorant and your mouths smell like garbage. Your haircuts were clearly done by subway hobos and/or rats, and all the girls have been wearing big rain galoshes while asking for $200k/year salaries. Men, let's not even get into the cufflink situation. Sincerely, Other Adults."

The best and the brightest!

[Hobo modeling headshot via Shutterstock]