
A Jewelry Store in Brooklyn Is Selling Swastika Earrings

Brian Moylan · 01/10/12 03:10PM

An eagle-eyed reader snapped a picture of these earrings that are for sale at the Bejeweled store (think a busted version of Claire's) on Manhattan Avenue in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. They are swastikas. There was only one pair left.

The Totally Awesome View from Inside a Hula Hoop

Brian Moylan · 06/06/11 04:07PM

Ever wonder what a hula hoop sees while it winds around and around its undulating subject? Well wonder no more! Someone attached a camera to the semi-ironic-totally-nostalgic fauxhemian toy of the moment and filmed the results. It's actually a very cool and interesting shot that might give you quite a bit of vertigo. Does this mean the Greenpoint set will be moving on to yo-yos any day now? [BuzzFeed]

Playboy TV Thinks Brooklyn Is Full of Nymphomaniacs

Brian Moylan · 12/14/10 04:01PM

Playboy TV, the fuzzy obsession of every teenage male, is trying to rebrand and find new audiences with programming that will appeal to couples. Their newest reality show Brooklyn Kind of Love is just as befuddling as you'd imagine.

Blogger Boy Needs You For Girlfriend's Brooklyn Birthday

Richard Lawson · 06/16/08 02:38PM

Our friend-in-blogging Ryan, who, with his girlfriend, created and maintained the wonderful, now-defunct LOLSecretz, needs our help. You see, said girlfriend has moved from her beloved Greenpoint, Brooklyn to the wilds of Connecticut and misses the gray city and its Morlock inhabitants dearly. So, for her birthday, Ryan has placed a life-sized cut out of her on a street corner in Greenpoint and asks that friends and strangers pose for a photo with "her," and send it in. That way she can feel like she had a big ol' party with friends (...and complete strangers...) in fair Greenpoint. Sounds crazy and sort of cute, right? Full details after the jump.

Williamsburg Mullet Guy Seeks Love

Ryan Tate · 04/27/08 11:02PM

You may remember Chris, the Williamsburg gentleman with the controversial haircut pictured at left, who was just this past February spotted in the wild by our own intrepid Hamilton Nolan. And you may also be a woman aged 21-35, within 10 miles of Brooklyn, and optionally an assertive, sarcastic "braniac" with piercings. If so, perhaps Chris, aka LowRezChris on, could show you why they say he puts the "party" in the phrase "party in the back?!"

Brooklyn Hipster Kickball: The Prom Pics

Sheila · 04/09/08 05:03PM

It's totally fun to point and laugh at Williamsburg as a post-collegiate paradise that takes kickball and Japanese sneakers way too seriously. However, keep in mind: when looking through these photos of last year's Brooklyn Kickball Dance, you may have the same realization I did: Damn, used to date that guy. Related: is the "Brooklyn Kickball" ankle tatto real?

Hipster Kickball Scandal: Dive Bar Served with List of Demands

Sheila · 04/09/08 01:53PM

Last week, we published the longest rant about hipster kickball in Brooklyn in the history of hipster kickball. It turns out that there's more to the story: BKKB co-founder Kevin Dailey, 38, has written a somehow more outrageous letter. This time it's a list of demands to Williamsburg dive bar Turkey's Nest, the closest bar to McCarren Park. (He was referred to as "Kev" in the previous screed.) Highlights and allegations? "What I make in one week of kickball is less than the margarita machine generates in one hour." Also, "Over those four years, kickball has made the Nest hundreds of thousands of dollars."

Trouble Brewing with Hipster Kickball League

Sheila · 04/01/08 04:36PM

"I signed up with some friends to play kickball in McCarren (because running and drinking outdoors is fun!)" writes a tipster. "I was worried that I wouldn't be diehard enough for the people who normally turn out for this league, and Christ Almighty, I think I was right. The E-mail below is from a self-described "league vet" who needs to get a fucking life..." The email below proves that people have no idea how difficult it is to organize a Brooklyn kickball league these days...

Confirmed: Hipsters Whine Loudest

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/08 10:27AM

Williamsburg and Greenpoint are the whiniest neighborhoods in Brooklyn. In less than a year, the tedious havens of under or over-employed post-college entitled brats/ Gawker employees made 8,900 complaints to 311, beating the #2 neighborhood, Canarsie/ Flatlands, by 500 complaints. Between drunk hipsters making a mess and Polish landlords getting mad and reporting the mess to the city and hipsters then reporting their Polish landlords' minor code violations to the city in revenge, this was inevitable. [Brooklyn Paper]

Report: Williamsburg Not As Cool As It Was, Earth Revolves Around Sun

Hamilton Nolan · 02/22/08 01:48PM

Heartbreaking news out of Brooklyn: Williamsburg has changed. It seems the HIP young hipster area is "no longer a neighborhood, but a destination for debauchery." And the L train to Bedford Avenue—it's no longer a seedy underground passage to hipsterdom. Now it's just a gateway to formerly desolate streets "packed with giggling outer-borough and outer-island 20- and 30-somethings on a night out." [NY Observer] Crap! When did this happen?!?

Mystery Williamsburg Hair Man Found!

Hamilton Nolan · 02/18/08 03:06PM

The unknown haircut man of Brooklyn, previously known only by this crude drawing, has been located. He's currently sitting right next to me at Cafe Grumpy in Greenpoint [UPDATE: He's gone!]. His name is Chris, and he has never heard of Gawker. Good for him! After the jump, an actual photo reveals the man behind the mystery.

Williamsburg "Herpes Avenger" Is Fighting STDs With Fliers

Emily Gould · 10/23/07 03:20PM

"Do you live in the Williamsburg Greenpoint area? I know you probably love it. I love it too. But you should be aware of some things. Living here is much like living in a college dorm. It's a hotbed (no pun intended) of sexually transmitted diseases. But it doesn't have to be like this." We agree! Well, maybe up until the last sentence. Anyway, one woman has made it her mission to stop the spread of herpes by, for starters, making it impossible for the guy who gave it to her ever to get laid again.

Greenpoint, The Heart Of 'The Lipstick Jungle'

Sheila · 10/23/07 10:20AM

Last night, apartments in what is known locally as the ugliest building in Greenpoint were seriously papered. Were they eviction notices? Utility shut-offs? No! Just a note from Candace Bushnell and friends.

The Third Annual Casserole Party At Brooklyn Label

Emily Gould · 10/17/07 03:50PM

Last night at new Franklin Street neighborhood institution Brooklyn Label, a lot of messy-haired people got in touch with their Midwestern roots by eating concoctions with names like "Texas Casserole Massacre" and "Practically Perfect Pairing." Organizer Emily Farris, whose casserole cookbook comes out next Fall, was in high spirits. "I am running around like a crazy lady!" she said, doing just that. "I have to get some waters for my judges!" The water-needing judges included Adam Roberts, author of "The Amateur Gourmet," and a lady who is a sous-chef for the Food Network. Not a judge: Jordana Rothman, who writes about food for Time Out New York. "I'm not bitter or anything," she explained. "But I decided not to enter a casserole, either. Hmmph!" Also not bitter: The casseroles!

Is Your Super Not Fixing The Bathroom Because He's Busy Making Softcore Porn?

Emily Gould · 10/15/07 11:40AM

Greenpoint's landmarked Astral apartment building looks great from the outside, but on the inside it's a bedbug-ridden toxic mold trap with actual mushrooms growing out of the waterlogged walls. Why is it so ill-maintained? Well, according to blogger Eefers, who just escaped the decrepit building, "I look out my kitchen window into the building's 'courtyard' and see the super accompanying a young woman dressed in stilettos and a bathrobe to the "work" shed. He is carrying a camera... Apparently the super runs an amateur pornography photo business. Apparently he also does this during business hours, when he could be fixing my bathroom." At least he displays some standards of professionalism in his sideline business, though! "If you are interested in working with me Please send me a message i will try my best to get back to you soon as possible. I DONT TURN DOWN TFP IF YOU GOT A LOOK I CANT REFUSE. (But my Rates are Reasonable) Models Must Arrive on Time,with Clean Hair and Nails Done. Please put your cell phone on vibrate during the shoot ..."

Joshua Stein · 10/03/07 12:10PM

A recent visitor to groovy downhome Greenpoint restaurant Queen's Hideaway writes: "I was eating there this weekend. The back garden was full of kind of Greenpoint hipster. All of a sudden a mouse runs right across the pavement followed in quick pursui t by a cat. The cat caught the mouse and began toying with it. For 15 minutes, the cat batted around the little creature, inflicting non-life threatening but painful wounds. All the customers looked on in horror as the mouse was tortured ultimately to death. The waitress looked on apathetically. After the cat had lost interest and left the mouse to die on the pavement, someone asked, 'Can you please clean up the mouse?' And the waitress huffily responded, 'What do you want me to do? It's still kind of alive. I can't sweep him up.' Everyone just waited a few more minutes as the mouse died. Finally she swept the corpse away."