Brooklyn Art Party Devolves Into World's Worst Art Heist

Jade Uribe was arrested for stealing a $1,200 Ridley Howard drawing from the wall of a gallery in Greenpoint, Brooklyn during a party. Partygoers chased him down and busted him. Now the gallery's owner is begging for leniency.
According to his Twitter bio, Uribe is the "self appointed authority on all matters of social behavior and taste." (Except when it comes to not stealing art.) He stole the drawing at a party last Friday, but was chased down and spent the night in jail.
Here's what gallery owner Martin Nederpelt told the Daily News:
Nederpelt said Thursday that he thinks the heist was just a drunken prank gone wrong - and Uribe wrote him a letter of apology.
"He said that he was out of his mind," said Nederpelt. "It was a rough-and-tumble art world sort of thing."
Ah, yes, the Wild West that is the Brooklyn art scene. Where you can make up for felonies by writing letters of apology.