
Can't A Girl Jog In Peace?

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/26/08 03:20PM

Grey's Anatomy star Katherine Heigl seized a golden opportunity and went out for a jog during Los Angeles's magic hour last night. Once she moved past the smog, traffic snarls, and unsavory characters that lined the streets, the beauty of the city surprised Heigl. However, Heigl could not escape a group of photographers who popped out of bushes, trees, and water fountains as she ran. Heigl stopped mid-stride and asked, "Can't I just work on my fitness without you and your entire posse snappily judging me? I need to get in shape for my man, the rocker. No, not the Rainn Wilson variety. He's more like the John Mayer variety, minus all that Jennifer Aniston bashing. Love her, btw. Now, either let me jog in peace or go fetch me a purple-flavored Vitamin Water from the 7-11."

Make Contractually Obligated Love To TV Guide's List of the 'Most Annoying TV Couples'

Kyle Buchanan · 08/21/08 02:35PM

There are TV characters you hate to love, and then there are those whose love you hate. TV Guide writer Damien Holbrook tackles the latter in the magazine's upcoming feature, "Top 10 Most Annoying TV Couples," which details the most aggravating, chemistry-free romances ever foisted on television by a hubris-stricken showrunner. Did your least favorite couple make the list? Will Katherine Heigl make her beloved Joshua forward the article to the Grey's Anatomy writers? Results and analysis, after the jump:First, the runners-up: No. 10 – Rob & Amber, Survivor No. 9 – Sara & Grissom, CSI No. 8 – Ryan & Marissa, The O.C. No. 7 – Trista & Ryan, The Bachelorette No. 6 – Kate & Jack, Lost No. 5 – Billy & Alison, Melrose Place No. 4 – Clark & Lana, Smallville No. 3 – Boris & Natasha, The Bullwinkle Show (ed. note: ???) And the top two, excerpted from TV Guide:

Always Stretch Before Shopping

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/12/08 02:55PM

Under Siege 2: Dark Territory star Katherine Heigl performed a bit of light calisthenics before embarking on a shopping expedition in Santa Monica on Tuesday morning. You see, Heigl got bit of a charlie horse the last time she went to Barney's in Beverly Hills, which left her in a surly mood for a few days afterwards. Heigl said, "That injury really knocked the wind out of my sails. I could barely walk for a few days afterwards. It was great having everybody helping me out. Joshua make daily runs over to the House Of Pies for the chocolate crème pie. It was nice, but I was bit of a pill and there's no need for a repeat performance."

Katherine Heigl Scrubs In For Another Shift

Douglas Reinhardt · 08/05/08 11:00AM

Much like the first day of elementary school, Katherine Heigl spent a decent portion of her first day back on set catching up with the cast and crew of the popular medical drama Grey's Anatomy. When it came to time to explain what she did over her vacation, an uncomfortable silence filled the parking lot. A pensive Heigl kicked at a few imaginary pebbles then explained that she's got to listen to her lines on her iPod in her car and added that she might check out that 'cake fart' website everybody is raving about as well.

So, Did You Apologize To The Writers Yet?

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/30/08 11:45AM

Seeking an escape from the wall-to-wall coverage of the Great Earthquake, Grey's Anatomy amigos T.R. Knight and Katherine Heigl engaged in a bit of retail therapy at the Americana in Glendale. Knight and Heigl felt that new shopping center was a lot like the Grove, but with fewer tourists. Sensing a lull in their conversation, Knight asked if Heigl had sent an apology bouquet from Edible Arrangements to the writers yet. Heigl shook her head and said that she couldn't decide on which one to send. Knight thought the right approach would probably be to just send all of the arrangements.

If It Weren't For Those Silly No-Smoking, No-Cursing Rules, Katherine Heigl Would Totally Go Mormon

Molly Friedman · 07/25/08 07:30PM

Katherine Heigl has never failed to shock us, whether she’s yapping about her highly tuned gaydar or wearing dresses made out of The Darjeeling Limited's costume leftovers. But her latest comments on her childhood spent growing up Mormon suggest that, on top of burning Emasculated Husband Joshua Kelley’s pinky finger and forcing him to wait until the very second her biological clock beeps “Procreate!” to have kids, she may even make the poor guy raise said kids Big Love-style. As she recently told a British tab:

Must ... Fight ... The ... Urge ...

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/22/08 11:50AM

Popular actress Katherine Heigl valiantly fought her urge to enjoy one of her trademark cigarettes after a meal in Pasadena on Monday. It was a perfect moment for a cigarette; the waiter even put an ashtray on the table for Heigl. Yet Heigl remained steadfast in her decision to restart her New Year''s resolution a few months later. Mrs. Heigl noticed the tension in her daughter's face and slightly nudged the ashtray over to her daughter. Heigl shot the ashtray back like a hockey puck. Heigl said, "I just have this really big food baby, right now. It'll pass in a bit."

Whoa! T.R Knight Must Work Out

Douglas Reinhardt · 07/17/08 01:05PM

Grey's Anatomy star T.R. Knight made his trainer proud with his bold feats of strength in Hollywood earlier this week. Without the aid of the store's employees, Knight carried a large tube nearly two blocks to his car without even breaking a sweat. Knight attempted to pick up industrial air conditioner unit, but realized that he may need a few more sessions with the trainer before attempting such a bulky item.

Emmy Nomination Hell! 10 Plots and Subplots to Watch After Today's Big Announcements

STV · 07/17/08 10:10AM

The world awoke this morning to the chirping of little birds resembling Kristin Chenoweth and Neil Patrick Harris, perched at a podium in the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, announcing nominations for the 60th Emmy Awards. While most rolled over and tried to get back to sleep, we sat bolt upright as usual and sprinted to the window, our furious note-taking chronicling a few snubs, surprises and plenty of the conventional wisdom we've come to expect from the annual ritual.

Seth Abramovitch · 07/16/08 02:45PM

Made to address rumors that Grey's Anatomy writers' room dartboard pinup-girl Katherine Heigl might not survive the coming season, ABC head Steve

Be Nice To Writers Or They'll Give You A Brain Tumor

Richard Lawson · 07/16/08 01:31PM

Unless that's what you want. Katherine Heigl may have finally done it. Someone on the inside at her popular show Grey's Anatomy is whispering that Heigl's character, Izzie, will get a brain tumor and possibly die in the upcoming season. "It's their way of screwing with her," the insider says. "She won't know whether she's going to live or die." Hah! ABC has only confirmed that her former costar Jeffrey Dean Morgan-who played a patient that she loved but sorta killed (right?)-will be back in the saddle for some episodes. The inside source says that he'll be appearing in Izzie's tumor-induced dreams/hallucinations. So yeah, she may have finally pissed off the showrunners enough to get once-and-for-all written off the show, which she seems, foolishly, to be gunning for. I mean what other reason could she possibly have to publicly trash the writers (saying that their writing for her character made her unworthy of Emmy consideration)? You know, other than rampant unchecked ego. Now, I'm sure that if the character passes on, the decision will be chalked up to gentle creative differences. But we'll know the truth: it was revenge.

'Grey's Anatomy' Has Exciting Arc Planned For Katherine Heigl In Which She Drops Dead

Seth Abramovitch · 07/11/08 07:55PM

The ongoing mutual loathfest between notoriously stroppy film and TV star Katherine Heigl and the producers of Grey's Anatomy reaches a hateration crescendo with rumors that her character will have the plot equivalent of a soft hospital pillow (or maybe an actual one) pressed onto her face by showrunner Shonda Rhimes until all of her limbs stop flailing, at which point her lifeless corpse will be free to pursue whatever big screen pursuits it so pleases. From

Joshua Kelley Just Won't Shut Up About Curling Katherine Heigl's Hair

Molly Friedman · 06/26/08 04:30PM

After a whirlwind month of snubbing her fame-enabling Grey’s Anatomy writers, the entire Academy of Television Arts & Sciences and anyone unlucky enough to get a whiff of her second-hand smoke, Katherine Heigl is somehow still idolized and worshiped by her emasculated husband Joshua Kelley. As we noted yesterday, Heigl spent most of Kelley’s weekend gig at Hotel Cafe shouting out requests for songs, songs which have all been recently altered to include the name Katie in place of any other girl’s name. But most disturbingly, the “rocker” reportedly overshared the fact that he had “curled her hair” before the show. And just how important is it that Kelley spend his pre-show time grooming his pompous pony? So important that he’s suffered third-degree burns and dehabilitated his ability to play the guitar, all in the name of love. The excruciating details, after the jump.

In Katherine Heigl's World, Joshua Kelley Is But An Ashtray

Molly Friedman · 06/23/08 04:55PM

Move over Norma Desmond — Katherine Heigl is here. After Heigl's baffling antics over the past few weeks, namely snubbing her Grey's Anatomy fame enablers and any fan who may have actually enjoyed her pretty neurotic mess of a character on the show, this clip of Heigl voicing her disgust with "writers?!?" proves just how big Heigl's nicotine-scented head has grown. And to make matters worse, the images awaiting you after the jump of Heigl vacationing with emasculated husband Joshua Kelley, in which her emasculated servant is used as both her kickboxing target and ashtray give new meaning to Desmond's infamous diva-turned-delinquent madwoman trajectory. Catch Heigl at her heights while you can before the inevitable backlash to the backlash to the backlash begins, after the jump:

Is Katherine Heigl Being Sabotaged By Grey's Anatomy Writers?

Richard Lawson · 06/16/08 01:50PM

The Katherine Heigl hate continues. New York magazine television writer Emma Rosenblum wrote an angry open letter to the Grey's Anatomy actress on NYM's Vulture blog today, in which she suggests that perhaps the material Heigl was given on Grey's did not "warrant an Emmy nomination" (as the Knocked Up star so publicly and rudely stated) because the writers were deliberately trying to screw her over. Regarding complaints that Heigl's character, Izzie, was exasperating and intolerable this past season, Rosenblum asks Heigl: "Have you ever thought that maybe the writers are incorporating your own personality into that of your character?" Some of you commenters suggested that last week as well. Wouldn't that be a wonderfully tricky stratagem of the writers? Burn her character to the ground. We're sure it's happened before...

'Grey's' Insider: 'I Don't Want To Say Katherine Heigl's An Ungrateful Bitch, But—Oops! I Guess I Just Said It!

Seth Abramovitch · 06/13/08 06:00PM

It's been two days now since our relatively peaceful, reacharound-loving community has been rocked by "I Do Not Feel I Was Given the Material This Season to Warrant a Nomination"-Gate. For those late to the party: Gold Derby blog had noticed polarizing actress-figure Katherine Heigl's name missing from a list of contenders; approached for comment, she explained that she had knowingly compromised Emmy-nominating protocol—and by extension, the very fundamentals upon which this great country is based!—by gallingly withdrawing herself from Best Actress consideration. And for what? For what she deemed to be substandard character arcs for her character on Grey's Anatomy. (In Heigl's defense, in Season 2 she was curled up in a hospital bed with her expired fiance; this season, she had a brief dalliance with her gay best friend followed by a torrid affair with a homicidal caribou.) Still, according to one series insider who spoke to, the thanklessness is beyond belief:

Katherine Heigl Chases Oscar Gold While Stepping On Those That Made Her Ascent Possible

Molly Friedman · 06/11/08 04:40PM

You gotta hand it to Katherine Heigl. In the last two years, thanks to plum roles in Knocked Up and on Grey's Anatomy, she's gone from the forgotten child star from My Father, The Hero (forgotten by everyone except pervs, that is) to an Emmy winning actress who's bumping her way onto the A-List. But along the way, thanks to a string of questionable PR snafus like publicly lambasting Judd Apatow and emasculating her husband Joshua at every conceivable turn, she's racked up more than her fair share of detractors. But being the determined ball buster that she is, she's not going to let a little thing like criticism get in her way of becoming her generation's Julia Roberts. Today, Variety reports that she is set to star in and co-produce Escape, based on the true story of Carolyn Jessop, whose memoir of escaping her polygamist husband became a best-seller. While it remains to be seen if this role will earn her a nod at the 2010 Oscars (if it walks like Oscar bait and talks like Oscar bait, it probably is), we can confirm that she won't be accepting any awards at this year's Emmys. As Tom O'Neil of the LAT's Gold Derby blog reports: