
The "Ground Zero Mosque" Is Now Going To Be Condos

Brendan O'Connor · 09/26/15 02:30PM

In 2009, developer Sharif El-Gamal’s Soho Properties purchased the lot at 45 Park place in lower Manhattan for $4.85 million. The next year, he proposed to build a 15-story Islamic cultural center—two blocks north of where the former World Trade Center once stood—which came to be known as the “Ground Zero Mosque.” The response was so virulent that El-Gamal abandoned his plans; now, Bloomberg Business reports, the developer has proposed a 70-story, ultra-luxury condominium building for the location. So ends the biggest political story (“story”) in the country in 2010.

Now Let's Return to Real Political Issues, Like the 'Ground Zero Mosque'

Jim Newell · 08/02/11 12:00PM

Since Congress is preparing to head into its August recess just as soon as this debt ceiling deal wraps up, how are we, the political news consumers, going to get our kicks for the next month? Hmm. Eh, what the hell, let's start talking about the "Ground Zero" "Mosque" again.

This Year In Islamophobia

Jim Newell · 12/29/10 12:50PM

Nine years after Sept. 11, 2001, America saw perhaps its worst outbreak of Islamophobia since the attacks.

How to Be a Famous Right-Wing Media Lady

Adrian Chen · 10/10/10 01:33PM

The New York Times this weekend profiles two female conservative commentators at very different points in their careers: crazy Upper East Side islamophobic blogger Pamela Geller, and crazy Ann Coulter. What can aspiring female right-wing blowhards learn from their stories?

This Is An Appropriate End to 'Ground Zero Mosque' Ads

Jim Newell · 09/22/10 03:02PM

At least one dingbat in the country is still talking about the proposed Islamic community center blocks from Ground Zero: Renee Elders, Republican congressional candidate from North Carolina. In this ad, she explains the history of "victory mosques."

Fox News' Latest Anti-"Mosque" Propaganda: The 9/11 Body Map

Matt Cherette · 09/10/10 04:13PM

This morning, Fox News jacked up its anti-"Ground Zero Mosque" propaganda by broadcasting a "map" that identified remains of 9/11 victims and their proximity to the proposed building site—all with a decidedly biased, fear-mongering tone. Video inside.

We Will Pay Donald Trump to Shut Up

Maureen O'Connor · 09/10/10 02:03PM

Yesterday Donald Trump offered to buy the site of the proposed "Ground Zero Mosque," thereby ending the "highly divisive situation." To end the highly annoying antics of Donald Trump and his PR minions, we hereby offer to buy his silence.