The Freedom Tower Gets Its First Restaurant
cityfile · 11/16/09 12:10PM
The Freedom Tower at Ground Zero has been in the works for years and years now—and it still won't be finished until 2018—but just so it isn't delayed by any errant workers who might slip off for ten minutes to go fetch a sandwich, the geniuses at the Port Authority have decided to install a Subway on-site.
Freedom Is Dead
cityfile · 03/26/09 01:39PMPort Authority Stooge Resigns
Pareene · 04/17/08 08:47AM
The Executive Directory of the Port Authority—the nebulous but reliably corrupt and incompetently managed organization that owns all New York's airports and the WTC site, soon to be home of the Target Presents 9/11 Memorial Office Park and Citibank Playground at Ground Zero—resigned this morning. Anthony Shorris, appointed by hooker-lovin' ex-guv Eliot Spitzer last year, "told his staff that he has advanced every goal he tried to set for the agency—including growth at the ports, upgrades to the PATH commuter rail system and buying a fourth airport for the region." He advanced them all from "daydreams" to "fantasies." He was forced out because current adulterous New York Governor David Paterson is replacing everyone Spitzer appointed, and also because of 9/11. [NYT]
Pareene · 10/19/07 04:10PM
James Zadroga, the (non-smoking!) city detective who spent hundreds of hours at the World Trade Center site following 9/11 and then died mysteriously with a shitload of "foreign material" in his lungs, didn't die from inhaling the "toxic chemicals, fiberglass and pulverized concrete" that are killing everyone else who worked at Ground Zero for extended periods of time. Seriously! New York's chief medical examiner says so. Zadroga just died of some other lung thing, OK? Maybe he got it from breathing the HOT AIR of America-haters like you. [NYT]
'Happiest Happy Hour' Getting Cocky
sUKi · 10/27/06 08:50AMI'd Be Happier If You Didn't Keep Bringing It Up
sUKi · 10/26/06 02:10PM
This delightful window display was spotted at Giovanni's Atrium at the corner of Rector and Washington Streets in the Financial District by Brian Van, the Rasputin of Commenter Executions. Looking at these pictures, one cannot help but wonder why more businesses don't advertise themselves like this, like, "The Biggest Laugh You'll Have West of Auschwitz!", because nothing says "happy" like "the tragic death of thousands of New Yorkers".
Ground Zero Will Remain Scene of Round-the-Clock Development
abalk2 · 10/23/06 03:50PMFive Years Later: Media Peels Onions Over a Hole in the Ground
Jessica · 09/11/06 08:33AM
At Ground Zero yesterday, President Bush reached deep within himself to remind us, "It's hard not to think about the people who lost their lives on September the 11th, 2001." Of course it's hard — the media's sweepingly soundtracked, widow-pandering coverage is holding your eyelids open with toothpicks. We were considering A Very Special Already Over: 9/11*, but the coverage speaks for itself, from the Times special section and Deborah Sontag's aching rewrite of what New York mag did months ago, to Ann Curry looking like she's trying to make herself cry on air, to the "understated" front page of the Daily News. It's so bad out there, the Post strikes us restrained. THE POST, people.
Satan Punks Out "Under Rule of Law"
Chris Mohney · 07/26/06 02:30PMJim Gilchrist is the founder of the border vigilante group known as the Minuteman Project, and he hopes to surf a bitchin' wave of xenophobia right into the U.S. Congress. Celebrating that cause plus his new book about the Minutemen, Gilchrist showed up at Ground Zero today to confront Satan, and/or people who don't share his views on immigration. We're not sure who "the meanest thugs carrying the biggest clubs" are, or why they would both "trammel" and "pummel" Gilchrist and his minions, but it all sounds like a cracking good time. According to Gilchrist, Satan might be the prince of darkness, but he will "back down under the rule of law." Because Satan is already thisclose to losing his driver's license from those two DUIs, so can you give him a ride back uptown, dude?
New Ground Zero Web Cam To Show Construction Workers Scratching Asses, Catcalling Female Pedestrians in Real Time
abalk2 · 07/05/06 10:00AMThey may not be able to agree on a design, a memorial, or even a proper timeline, but the wise folks behind the rebuilding of Ground Zero have come up with something that's even more important: a web site! That's right, the Post reports that the Mayor and the Governor will be joining forces to introduce the thing this morning: