
Live Blogging Project Runway All Stars, Week 2

MisterHippity · 01/12/12 08:00PM

Think you've got what it takes to be a live-blogging star? Then you should join the stellar bunch of commenters who gather here each week to live-blog Project Runway All-Stars. All you need is a little wit and perspicacity, a Gawker commenting account, and a dream.

Live Blogging Top Chef, Week 10

MisterHippity · 01/11/12 09:00PM

Had a bad hump day? Well, you can still have a fun hump night! All you have to do join us in the comments as we live blog Top Chef! Tonight's episode features "restaurant wars"—and what, besides actual humping, could be more fun than that?

Live Blogging Project Runway All Stars, The Season Premiere

MisterHippity · 01/05/12 08:00PM

Post-holiday blues got you down? Well tonight, prepare to get your spirits raised by a visitation from three wise men bearing gifts of talent and fabulosity: Austin Scarlett, Mondo Guerra, and Anthony "Suzanne Sugarbaker" Williams. They're part of the new "all-star" edition of Project Runway that premieres tonight, and we're live-blogging it in the comments. Join us!

Live Blogging Top Chef, Week 9

MisterHippity · 01/04/12 09:00PM

Happy New Year, lovers of reality-show viewing and online-fat-chewing! According to my handy Mayan calendar, Season 9 of Top Chef will end forever at some point during 2012, so you'll want to enjoy it as much as possible while it lasts. And a great way to start is to join us in the comments under this post, where a bunch of us will be communally live-blogging tonight's episode. In Lak'ech Ala K'in!

Live Blogging Top Chef, Week 8

MisterHippity · 12/21/11 09:00PM

Happy Winter Solstice Eve! It's the longest, darkest night of the year—the perfect time to grab a cup of mulled cider, cozy up to a glowing television screen and live-blog Top Chef in the comments. That's what we're all about to do—with or without the mulled cider—so join us!

Live Blogging Top Chef, Week 7

MisterHippity · 12/14/11 09:00PM

Do you like food, television and chat—or at least two of those three things? Take a moment to think about it… OK, time's up. You know the answer is yes! And that means you've just qualified to join our Top Chef live blog. So drop whatever less-than-66%-fun thing you were doing before, and join us in the comments!

Live Blogging Top Chef, Week 6

MisterHippity · 12/07/11 09:00PM

You know what's more acerbic, saucy and satisfying than a rack of whiskey sour ribs? The witty, boozy banter we share here each week in our Top Chef commenter live blogs. The next one's about to get started down in the comments, so join us!

Live Blogging Top Chef, Week 5

MisterHippity · 11/30/11 09:00PM

You know what's more juicy and illuminating than a glowing tomato? The enlightened gossip we share during our weekly Top Chef live blogs! Our next garden party o' gab is about to get started in the comments, so why not join us?

Live Blogging Top Chef, Week 4

MisterHippity · 11/23/11 09:00PM

Happy Thanksgiving Eve to all fans of food, frivolity and reality TV! Why not ditch the relatives and the feast-prepping chores for an hour or so, and join our Top Chef commenter live blog? You'll be thankful you did!

What Are You Watching on TV Tonight?

Leah Beckmann · 11/23/11 07:45PM

It's Thanksgiving Day eve, so you should all turn off your computers immediately and go do Thanksgiving-like things. Like prepping for family time with hours of blissfully mind numbing television.

What Are You Watching on TV Tonight?

Leah Beckmann · 11/21/11 07:45PM

Cheer up! Sure, it's a Monday, and Mondays are the living worst, but it's the Monday before Thanksgiving which means it's a short week. And a week of festive Thanksgiving-themed specials on TV!

What Are You Watching on TV Tonight?

Leah Beckmann · 11/18/11 07:30PM

Everybody pat yourselves on the back. It's Friday and that means two days of glorious, uninterrupted TV-watching are upon us. It's important that we start this thing off right.

What Are You Watching on TV Tonight?

Leah Beckmann · 11/17/11 07:45PM

Thursday is a special night in TVtown. Dreams come true on Thursday nights, you guys. Thursday's are what dreams are made of.

Live Blogging Top Chef, Week 3

MisterHippity · 11/16/11 09:00PM

It's time to forget your troubles and remember the Alamo! We're live-blogging tonight's episode of Top Chef: Texas, and you're invited. So grab yourself a cactus cocktail and join us in the comments!

What Are You Watching on TV Tonight?

Leah Beckmann · 11/11/11 07:30PM

It's Friday! Some of you probably have plans tonight. People have been known to make plans on Friday nights. But maybe some of you will wrap yourselves in a blanket, order Chinese, and watch Friday night TV until the sun comes up. Go nuts, it's not a school night!