
Elle Boss A Modelizer No More

Nick Denton · 01/08/08 11:12AM

Divorced magazine publisher Jack Kliger got engaged to his longtime girlfriend, speaking coach Amy Griggs, according to Jeff Bercovici at Mixed Media. Here's the 60-year-old Hachette Filipacchi boss, who runs a stable of magazines including 'Elle' and 'Premiere', between Griggs and his daughter, at a party in 2006. Apropos of nothing, after the jump, a blind item from Page Six, from three years ago.

abalk · 09/24/07 11:40AM

A Hachette Filipacchi spokesperson wants us to let you all know that Home magazine is not going under. "Home magazine will continue to be published 8 times a year with a rate base of 800,000." (That number used to be 1 mil, by the way.) So stop bothering them, okay? Everything's fine—no matter what they said on the executive floor.

Choire · 08/14/07 04:50PM

Oooh, thanks to the fire at Paramount Plaza, some people will be going home literally minutes early! "Message from Philippe Guelton, EVP/COO, Hachette Filipacchi Media U.S.: As a result of this afternoon's fire in the freight elevator area of the 45th floor, the building authorities will be shutting off the electricity to our offices for several hours while they evaluate the potential damage to the building systems. This testing should not effect the elevator service. All personnel are encouraged at this time to turn off their computer systems and leave for the day. The office will be open as usual tomorrow."

Media Bubble: Laissez Les Bon Temps Rouler

abalk2 · 03/02/07 08:29AM
  • Bonnie Fuller is allegedly "reaching out to Hachette Filipacchi and to TMZ.com." There are the usual denials all around, but we think if anyone can revive Shock, it's Bonnie "Bon Temps" Fuller. [NYP]

Magazine For Illiterates Will Show JFK Assassination Pictures For Food

abalk2 · 11/06/06 10:50AM

How are things going at Shock, Hachette Filapacchi's sophisticated periodical for the discerning consumer who likes to see photographic depictions of nameless Arabs getting blowed up? If the latest "media advisory" is any indication, uh, not so great. EIC Mike Hammer (whose job, we're guessing, mainly consists of saying, "Can we get a shot of Emmy Rossum that shows a little more ass cleavage, please?"), sent out the current sell sheet to pretty much everyone he's ever worked with, pretty much begging them to buy the thing:

Media Bubble: For No One

abalk2 · 09/01/06 10:00AM

• Katie Couric gets her nun on. [Tabloid Baby]
• Seth Mnookin wants some context from the press. Here's some context for ya: Seth Mnookin rides a scooter. [Seth Mnookin]
• "When we launched For Me a little over a year ago, we thought that there was a market for a young woman's lifestyle magazine which was not focused on gossip." Well, that's your problem right there. [FishbowlNY]
• Jodi Kantor gives you the angle on airports that Greg Lindsay couldn't. Don't try and do everything on your first day back, Jodi. [NYT]
• How much do we love Slate's "investigation" of brunch? Um, a lot, actually? Almost as much as we love their look at Chuck Klosterman? Slate, we're sorry we've been mean lately, full stop. [Slate]

This Just In: Nothing Has Changed in 'Shock' Photo Feud

Jesse · 06/28/06 10:40AM

So remember how Hachette Filipacchi published the first issue of Shock magazine with that cover photo of the U.S. soldier in Iraq holding a bloodied baby? And remember how the guy who shot the photo, Michael Yon, flipped out, arguing that he never sold the rights to the image? And remember how it turned out that Hachette thought it had done the right thing and purchased rights from a photo agency, but that the agency never really had the rights to sell in the first place? And remember how all parties tried to reach a settlement, and thought they did, but then Yon backed out at the last minute? And you know how that's where things have been stuck for a few weeks now? Yeah? Well, that's where it still stands. Hachette put out a press release last night just to make sure you know that.

Children of the Ruling Class: Jade Frampton Comes Alive at 'Elle'

Jessica · 06/27/06 10:50AM

Having a famous parent is the gift that keeps on giving; if you're not a heroin addict or a pseudo-struggling artiste, you're most likely using parental pull to score the best of the entry-level gigs (like Cate Edwards and one of the Katzenbergs, who shuffled the cushy papers at Vanity Fair). Because we all must stay abreast of which celebrity spawn are answering whose phones, do keep in mind that should you have the balls to call Elle fashion director and Project Runway judge Nina Garcia, you'll be greeted by her assistant, Jade Frampton, daughter of guitarist Peter Frampton. And good for Jade! She really must've scored the position all by her lonesome, 'cause Daddy's hair wasn't doing her any favors.

'Elle' Goes to the Middle East

Jessica · 06/20/06 10:16AM

Hachette Filipacchi is unveiling the Middle Eastern edition of Elle this Friday, which, barring any last minute editorial fatwas, will appear on newsstands in Lebanon, Jordan, and Morocco. A second, more conservative version of the Lebanese publication will hit Saudi Arabia in October (though the Saudi government will likely black out most of the images anyhow — how Gilles Bensimon shall cry!). None of these editions will feature Hilary Duff on their covers, making them far superior to our own glossy version.