
Corrected: Anonymous Attacks ABC News, Threatens Amazon.com

John Cook · 12/09/10 10:15AM

The Anonymous online movement that has risen up to defend Wikileaks is so outraged about censorship that they hacked into ABC News's web site and spiked a story about Sarah Palin. Makes sense, no? Or not.

Correction: The page we thought was an Anonymous hack replacing Jake Tapper's story, from which this screengrab is taken, was actually a page created by ABC News to show the hack that had been perpetrated on Palin's web site. Our mistake. Here is the Tapper story, safe and sound.

Watch This Guy Hack an ATM to Spit Out Money

Max Read · 08/01/10 11:43PM

Your money: Maybe not as safe as you think. Security expert Barnaby Jack showed off three different ways to hack an ATM last week, including one particularly flashy method that left the machine playing music and spitting out twenties.

Even Racists Can Hack Into Road Signs

Ryan Tate · 05/25/10 10:41AM

It's so easy to "hack" into road signs than even racists can just walk up and make the road safety displays say whatever idiotic thing pops into their head, as with these newly-hijacked signs in South Florida.

Politico Apologizes For Being Politico

John Cook · 09/23/09 01:31PM

Usually when people accuse Politico of cutting-and-pasting GOP press releases into their stories, they're speaking metaphorically. But no—that's what they actually do. They select the angry words, hit the "copy" thing, and paste them right onto the internet.