
Elaborate Anonymous Sting Snags 190 Kiddie Porn Fans

Adrian Chen · 11/02/11 10:47AM

Some of the internet's sleaziest users must be freaking out today, having been outed by Anonymous as visitors to child porn forums. Vigilante Anonymous hackers are taking their war on underground kiddie porn to a new level by posting the IP addresses of people they claim are pedophiles.

Anonymous Targets Fullerton Police Over Homeless Man's Death

Lauri Apple · 08/14/11 01:49PM

In response to the death of Kelly Thomas—the homeless, schizophrenic man from Fullerton, California who died after being Tased and brutally beaten by police officers last month—the hacktivist collective Anonymous has announced plans to attack the Fullerton Police Department's "Interwebz" if its demands aren't met.

Hacker Plot to 'Kill Facebook' Is All a Terrible Misunderstanding

Adrian Chen · 08/10/11 04:15PM

The internet is quaking with the news that the hacktivist collective Anonymous plans to "destroy" Facebook on November 5th. We spoke to the Anonymous member who was there at the start of "Operation Facebook," and he told us the whole thing is a misunderstanding that's spiraled crazily out of control.