Two prominent Anonymous associates are shopping around a book detailing the exploits of the hacktivist group from the inside, according to the Observer. But will anyone want to read it?

One co-author, Barrett Brown (above, in a still from an interview with NBC News), is an ex-heroin junkie from Dallas, Texas. He was an Anonymous spokesman until quitting over the direction the group was taking. The other author, Gregg Housh, is from Boston and became a de facto Anonymous spokesman because he appeared in a few news articles during Anonymous' anti-Scientology protests and journalists kept on calling him for comments.

I follow the exploits of Anonymous more closely than a sane person should, but I'm not sure even I would be interested in reading this book, tentatively titled Tales from Inside The Accidental Cyberwar. Anonymous is fascinating on a broad level, but most of the day-to-day details are as sexy as the intricacies of how an office drone manipulates an Excel spreadsheet . You hang out in IRC chat rooms at weird night hours, typing to people of unknown identity and questionable motives, with the weeks of typing punctuated, rarely, by one of the people you've been chatting with turning up in the papers, having been arrested by the Feds.

Housh told the Observer he wants the book to be a "page-turner". Maybe Anonymous members have been helicoptering around the world delivering USB drives full of secret FBI documents and we just don't know about it. We'll see!