
This Hamster Plays One Mean Synthesizer

Marisa Gladstone · 01/05/11 02:00PM

Consider purchasing a synthesizer instead of a treadmill for your hamster and you'll have the coolest discotheque on the block.

Watch a Real Hamster Reenact the Hamster Dance

Matt Cherette · 12/10/10 04:20PM

The Hamster Dance is one of the oldest—and most well-known—Internet memes of all time. Why? Nobody knows. And now, something new: an actual hamster dancing in front of a laptop. Inside, the most meta video you'll see today.

And Now, a Coked Up Hamster

Matt Cherette · 11/04/10 01:16PM

OK, so maybe this hamster isn't coked up—in fact, he probably has rabies. But that doesn't take away from the fact that this is a 90-second video of one really pissed off hamster attacking people (and shoes!).

Hamsters in Balls Act in Synchronized Motion

Christopher Han · 10/31/10 05:00PM

With a little bit of clever video editing, these hamsters start in a 3 x 3 formation and disperse randomly. Then they get their act together and do whatever it is that hamsters in balls do: be really cute.

Hamster Agility Course

nightintern · 05/05/10 09:30AM

Never seen a hamster go through an obstacle course? You have now.

Hamster Thinks It's a Dog

Aman Ellis · 03/02/10 10:30AM

Look out, there's a new man's best friend—and this little guy can fit on your desk. Dog bone: check, miniature doggy bed: check, absolutely crippling cuteness: check!

Back-Flipping Hamster

Allison Oldfather · 12/29/09 10:30AM

This hamster does one back flip. Then another. Then another. Then Another. Then so many that you begin to worry about his health and sanity.

Cute Hamsters Play Instruments in Water Ad

Whitney Jefferson · 12/02/09 02:00PM

This clever campaign for Drench Water shows hamsters, amped up on water, playing in a band. Watch the extreme cuteness as these little guys nibble on miniature saxaphones, trumpets, and harmonicas. Enough to melt even the coldest of hearts.

Please Stand By

Mark Graham · 06/30/08 12:00PM

As you may have noticed, we have been having some technical difficulties again this morning. Remember those prarie dogs we told you about? Well, in an embarrassing turn of events, we weren't able to get their Visas processed, so we were forced to once again to dip our toes into the difficult world of hamster recruiting. And now that hamsters have been empowered by Hollywood casting directors, it makes our job just that much more difficult. Our thanks to you for bearing with us as we try to get things shipshape...