
Happy Birthday, Chelsea Manning

Hamilton Nolan · 12/17/14 05:20PM

This week marked the 27th birthday of Chelsea Manning, the U.S. military whistleblower who currently sits in prison for leaking material to Wikileaks. Here are some birthday wishes for her from people who have spent time in similar circumstances.

Watch Lady Gaga Play Marilyn Monroe to Bill Clinton's JFK

Max Read · 10/16/11 10:02AM

"I'm having my first real Marilyn moment," Lady Gaga told the crowd at the "Decade of Difference" concert (celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Clinton Foundation) last night after wishing Bill Clinton a happy birthday and before launching into a rendition of "Bad Romance" cleverly retitled "Bill Romance." (Technically, the former president's birthday is in August.) That seemed to be where the "Marilyn moment" ended, as far as we know, though President Clinton seemed to enjoy it nonetheless: "I got nervous when Gaga said she was planning to have a Marilyn moment and I thought 'I will have a heart attack for my 65th birthday.'" [Yahoo]

Happy Birthday, Child Bride Courtney Stodden!

Maureen O'Connor · 08/29/11 12:52PM

Hollywood child bride Courtney Stodden turns 17 today, reducing the age gap with her creepy actor husband Doug Hutchison to a mere 34 years. Doug gave Courtney a shopping spree at Victoria's Secret and a trip to Disneyland for her birthday.

Maggie · 01/02/08 12:06PM

Everyone say happy birthday to your favorite contempt-of-court correspondent! Judith Miller is 59 today. Girlfriend looks pretty good for being that close to collecting Social Security, but it's probably just that permanent emollient the White House doles out to those willing to dispense with their pesky journalistic standards to advance the administration's political agenda. In fact, the only person left to trust, really, is Helen Thomas—now there's a reporter who hasn't accepted any Botox bribes. You can send Judy birthday greetings at judymillerfreespeech@yahoo.com. No, really.

Let's Hear It For A Beautiful Guy

abalk · 08/24/07 10:40AM

It's a very special day for all of us here at the Gawker empire. Nick Denton, titan of finance, destroyer of worlds, and master of us all, is celebrating a milestone birthday. You can imagine the scene at the office: champagne, canapés, solid gold busts of Nick's head for every guest... it's really something. Nick hired the Emerson String Quartet to provide live musical entertainment (they're playing a collection of his favorite Motorhead songs), and, in a few minutes, he's going to pick three employees, strangle them, and bury them in the backyard, just because he can. Happy Birthday, Mr. Denton! Here's wishing you another sixty wonderful years!