
Suspected Dallas BBQ Attacker Is Gay: Is His Crime a Hate Crime?

Rich Juzwiak · 05/26/15 11:15AM

The rumors appear to be true: Bayna El-Amin, the man wanted by police after hitting another man over the head with a chair in a fight at the Chelsea Dallas BBQ earlier this month, seems to have been romantically involved with another man. Gawker has discovered what looks to be El-Amin’s Facebook page, which is listed under an alias variation of his apparent birth name and contains several pictures of a man with identical-looking features and facial hair as the man in the Dallas BBQ videos, as well as El-Amin’s various mugshots. There is reference to the page’s owner working the door at a nightclub; Animal uncovered that a now-deleted Facebook page in El-Amin’s full name listed him as “Personal Security for Sketchie ENTertainment,” a nightclub promotion company.

Pennsylvania State Senator Comes Out as Gay in Excellent Fashion

Rich Juzwiak · 09/23/14 01:45PM

This is how you do it. Earlier today at a press conference regarding Senate Bill 42 and House Bill 177, which would expand Pennsylvania's hate crime law to include attacks based on sexuality and gender identity, the former bill's author, State Senator Jim Ferlo of Pittsburgh, came out as gay. He did it like this:

Lacey Donohue · 09/24/13 06:02PM

Prabhjot Singh, the Sikh Columbia University professor who was attacked in Harlem on Saturday, has graciously offered to educate those who called him a “terrorist” and broke his jaw: “I would ask them if they had any questions, if they knew what they were doing? Invite them where we worship. Get to know who we are and then share it...”

Columbia Professor Attacked in Brutal Hate Crime

Lacey Donohue · 09/22/13 08:18PM

Dr. Prabhjot Singh, a professor in Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs, was walking along 110th Street near Lenox Avenue Saturday night when a group of at least 20 males rode up on bikes and began physically assaulting him while shouting “terrorist” and “get Osama.” Singh, a Sikh who wears a long beard and a turban, had just dropped off his wife and one-year-old son at home before going out for a walk.

Clementi Webcam Peep Breaks Silence: 'I Never Thought He Would Find Out'

Maureen O'Connor · 03/23/12 10:59AM

Following his conviction in the webcam spy scandal that preceded gay Rutgers student Tyler Clementi's suicide, Dharun Ravi has broken his silence. "Energized" by the verdict, Ravi plans to fight his conviction. He maintains that he didn't commit a hate crime, and adds that he doesn't think he contributed to Clementi's death. "I was an insignificant part of his life," Ravi tells 20/20's Chris Cuomo in an interview that will air tonight. "That's what's giving me comfort now."