
PTSD and Me: True Stories From Military Veterans

Hamilton Nolan · 08/19/13 02:53PM

Last week, we asked military veterans to send us their stories of life after war— their experiences returning home and seeking health care and benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs. Today, we offer you some of their stories.

The Part-Time Recovery Is Here To Stay

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 04/20/13 11:54AM

In March of this year, about 7.6 Million Americans were working involuntarily part-time, in that they would rather be working a full-time job instead of the part-time job they have either taken out of desperation or been forced into by their employer. These part-time jobs have fueled the 30-month economic recovery, leading to an unstable economy built on an increasingly uneven labor force.

People Are Perfectly Willing to Gamble With Their Own Health Coverage

Hamilton Nolan · 03/18/13 09:37AM

In America, we have a stupid system of health care in which your health insurance, which might naturally be considered a fundamental human need, is covered by your employer, resulting in a horrible, expensive, uneven patchwork. At the same time, the earnings of most workers have remained stagnant for the past 40 years. It comes as little surprise, then, that workers are willing to gamble with their own health in exchange for more money in their pockets.

Here Is a Long List of Medical Procedures You Don't Need

Hamilton Nolan · 02/21/13 01:34PM

One good way to fix America's vastly bloated and expensive health care system would be to make our health care system public like lots of other civilized nations with higher stands of living than us. [PAUSE FOR LAUGHTER]. Haha. But seriously—until then, here are some medical procedures you don't need.

Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Obama on Health Care

Max Read · 06/28/12 09:15AM

The Supreme Court has ruled 5-4 in favor of the Obama administration on the Affordable Care Act, upholding the constitutionality of the law's individual mandate as a tax. The majority opinion was written by Chief Justice John Roberts, who joined the court's liberal bloc. "The bottom line," SCOTUSBlog writes, is that "the entire ACA is upheld, with the exception that the federal government's power to terminate states' Medicaid funds is narrowly read. [...] Chief Justice Roberts' vote saved the ACA." CNN initially, and hilariously, reported incorrectly that the mandate had been struck down, briefly turning Twitter into an entertaining website.

Dick's Got a New Heart: Why Cheney's Transplant Makes a Good Case For ObamaCare

Mobutu Sese Seko · 03/30/12 08:00AM

Last weekend, America's subterranean war monster, Lord Kinbote Dick Cheney, received a new heart from a Virginia hospital. Apparently, he even got it legally, although we'll never know if the hospital in question first deferred him five times. The right got a new faintly Obamacare-related talking point, and the left—even as it worried about the invalidation of the most important health care reform in generations—well, it didn't really get it at all.