This Is the Interview About His Ancestor Ben Affleck Tried to Suppress
Gabrielle Bluestone · 04/22/15 10:45PM
Ben Affleck really didn’t want people to know that one of his distant ancestors owned slaves—going so far as to lobby celebrity genealogy TV show Finding Your Roots to suppress the segment in which that ancestor is discussed. But we got our hands on a copy of the script—and now you can read the mild interview that terrified the actor.
Ben Affleck on Slavery Censorship: "This Isn't a News Program"
Hudson Hongo · 04/21/15 09:45PM
This weekend, leaked emails revealed that Ben Affleck successfully pressured the makers of PBS documentary series Finding Your Roots to suppress his family’s slave-owning past, an apparent violation of the broadcaster’s rules. Today, Affleck posted on Facebook to explain (but not apologize for) his actions, writing, “I was embarrassed.”
Leaked Emails: Ben Affleck Suppressed Family's Slave-Owning Past
Hudson Hongo · 04/18/15 09:45AMRevisiting Our Last Summer Racial Shitshow, Co-Starring Barack Obama
Camille Dodero · 07/22/13 02:44PM
Four years ago today, racial profiling was America's most dominant—and ugliest—conversation. Less than a week earlier, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., a Harvard professor, preeminent scholar, and friend of Oprah, had been arrested on his Massachusetts front porch, after being suspected of robbery when, in fact, he'd been trying to enter his own home. Almost immediately, a national shitshow ensued and even the President got involved.
Americans Finally Told How to Feel About Henry Louis Gates Arrest
Hamilton Nolan · 06/30/10 08:27AMA Cheat Sheet to the Secret Nicknames of the Literary Elite
Doree Shafrir · 02/03/10 02:51PMWhen White People Are Arrested on Their Own Property, Matt Drudge Is There
John Cook · 12/04/09 02:30PMHenry Louis Gates and Cambridge Cop Still Drinking Buddies
John Cook · 10/29/09 11:18AMHappy Birthday
cityfile · 09/16/09 06:30AM
Funny woman Amy Poehler turns 38 today. Mr. Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony, is turning 41. Mickey Rourke is 53. Lauren Bacall is celebrating her 85th. Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates turns 59. Magician David Copperfield is 53. Alexis Bledel of Gilmore Girls fame is turning 28. Nick Jonas of the Jonas Brothers is turning 17. Artist Christopher Wool is 54. Andy Serwer, Fortune's managing editor, is turning 50. Blues legend B.B. King is 84. And the man responsible for such '80s classics as "Endless Summer Nights" and "Right Here Waiting," Richard Marx, is 46 today.
Gates Arrest Scandal Won't Die. Why?!
Andrew Belonsky · 09/10/09 06:00AMIdiot Racist Cop Sues Boston
Pareene · 08/05/09 04:45PMSally Quinn: Victim of Racial Profiling
Pareene · 08/03/09 10:55AMGates and Crowley to Attend Boston-Area Sporting Event Together, Possibly
The Cajun Boy · 08/03/09 02:23AMThe Semiotics of the Beer Summit
Pareene · 07/31/09 12:56PMHow many ways can you analyze 30 seconds of silent footage? An infinite number of ways! Over the last 24 hours, cable pundits, our modern Vienna Circle, have explored all the possible meanings of a bunch of guys drinking beers.
Liveblogging Our National Beer Reconciliation Summit
Ryan Tate · 07/30/09 04:39PMCable News Can't Wait for Lamest Kegger Ever
Gabriel Snyder · 07/30/09 04:03PMA Cop, a Politician and a Professor Walk Into a Bar...
Gabriel Snyder · 07/30/09 09:01AMThe Harvard Lady Who Called the Cops on Gates Gave a Press Conference
John Cook · 07/29/09 01:02PMThe presser was straight out of Bonfire of the Vanities, beginning with an exceedingly strange two-minute-plus introduction from Whalen's attorney Wendy Murphy, who cautioned the assembled press to "leave her alone" before praising her as the "one person whose actions have been exemplary" and implicitly criticizing Barack Obama for failing to invite her to tomorrow's sit-down between Gates and Sgt. James Crowley. "I don't know, maybe it's a guy thing," Murphy sneered. "She doesn't like beer anyway." Then she nominated Whalen, the woman she wants to be left alone, to head a proposed blue-ribbon panel to examine the issue of racial profiling in Cambridge. Murphy is enjoying her 15 minutes.