The 911 Call That Got Henry Louis Gates Busted
John Cook · 07/27/09 12:40PMThe Cambridge Police Department has released the 911 call that led to the arrest of Henry Louis Gates. The caller didn't say the men were black, and she said they could have just been having trouble with their keys.
Gates Arrest Inspiring Internet Bigots to Don Their White Sheets
The Cajun Boy · 07/27/09 05:35AMThe Best of Racial Profiling, Pop Culture Edition
Foster Kamer · 07/26/09 04:30PMHenry Louis Gates Accepts Obama's Offer To Have A Beer With Arresting Cop At White House
Foster Kamer · 07/25/09 06:30PMCambridge Cop's Unfortunate Vanity Plate: WHY-TEE
Gabriel Snyder · 07/24/09 05:40PMHenry Louis Gates Thankfully Distracts Right Wing from Health Care
Ryan Tate · 07/24/09 01:42PMThe Cop Who Arrested Henry Louis Gates Teaches a Racial Profiling Class at the Police Academy
John Cook · 07/23/09 03:15PMNo, Henry Louis Gates Is Not a 'Railer,' a 'Brawler,' or a 'Common Street Walker'
John Cook · 07/23/09 12:43PMA Cop's Perspective on the Henry Louis Gates Arrest
The Cajun Boy · 07/23/09 02:28AMVerdict: Obama Heath Care Presser Was a Failure
The Cajun Boy · 07/22/09 09:33PMHenry Louis Gates Is Quite the Grown-Up About That Whole Racist Arrest Thing
John Cook · 07/22/09 10:11AMReport: Charges Dropped Against Henry Louis Gates
John Cook · 07/21/09 10:35AMBlack Professor and White Lady Reenact Crash in Cambridge
John Cook · 07/20/09 04:48PMHenry Louis Gates, Jr., Arrested For Disorderly Conduct, Claims Racism
John Cook · 07/20/09 01:04PMHappy Birthday
cityfile · 09/16/08 06:04AM
It's a busy week for Amy Poehler. Last Saturday, she helped SNL score its highest ratings in years and then announced yesterday that she's planning to leave the show in November. Today she celebrates her birthday: She's 37. Also celebrating: Marc Anthony is 40 (although he held his big birthday blowout on Sunday at the Bowery Hotel.) Lauren Bacall is 84. Magician David Copperfield is 52. Nick Jonas is 16. Actress Alexis Bledel is 27. Mickey Rourke is 52. The artist Christopher Wool turns 53 today. Fortune's managing editor Andy Serwer is 49. Harvard professor and author Henry Louis Gates is 58. Televangelist Robert Schuller is 82. And blue's legend B.B. King is 83.