
Lying Holocaust Author To Turn Novelist

Ryan Tate · 01/08/09 06:19AM

Capitalizing on Herman Rosenblat's infamy, a small upstate publisher eagerly trumpeted its "serious discussion" to publish Rosenblat's fake memoir as fiction. Or "to pull a Frey," in industry lingo.

Exclusive: Excerpts of the Fake Holocaust Memoir

Ryan Tate · 12/31/08 02:00AM

We got our hands on Angel At The Fence, Herman Rosenblat's fabricated book about a little girl who threw apples over a concentration camp fence. It's as hesitant as you might expect.

Oprah Winfrey's Liars Club

Richard Lawson · 12/29/08 02:22PM

What's the one thing nearly every fake memoir scandal seems to have in common? From James Frey to Angel at the Fence, if a story is bullshit, chances are Oprah was there first.