New New School Occupation Crushed With Extreme Prejudice
Hamilton Nolan · 04/10/09 12:11PMIf At First You Don't Succeed, Occupy the New School Again
Hamilton Nolan · 04/10/09 09:16AMOprah Winfrey Directly Responsible for South African Teen Lesbianism
Hamilton Nolan · 03/31/09 10:03AMTo Make People Smart
Hamilton Nolan · 03/13/09 01:44PMSounds Like David Brooks Did a Lot of Acid in College
Hamilton Nolan · 03/10/09 02:25PMJob Found in Dying Media
Hamilton Nolan · 03/04/09 02:49PMThe Painfully Ridiculous End to the NYU Revolution
Hamilton Nolan · 02/23/09 04:27PMRevolution Strikes the NYU Food Court!
Hamilton Nolan · 02/19/09 11:00AMGraydon Carter's Golden High School a No Go!
Hamilton Nolan · 02/10/09 09:33AMInside The Michael Phelps College Doofus Party
Hamilton Nolan · 02/09/09 11:23AM'Internet Fame' Now an Academic Subject
Hamilton Nolan · 02/06/09 04:46PMMouthy Little Bastard Brings Down Dirty Top Cop
Hamilton Nolan · 01/23/09 10:50AMUniversity Siege Ends Triumphantly: No Detention For Revolutionaries!
Hamilton Nolan · 12/19/08 11:45AMNew School Prez Hides From Dangerous Student Freedom Fighters!
Hamilton Nolan · 12/18/08 05:48PMCollege Student Soldiers Defeat Violent Lawmen!
Hamilton Nolan · 12/18/08 01:40PM'Mr. Kerrey Has Retreated into the Swayduck'
Hamilton Nolan · 12/18/08 12:24PMFinally, Video Footage of the Reality TV School
Richard Lawson · 09/17/08 11:18AMWe've written about it before, but have not had the nerve to actually sign up and take the New York Reality TV School's $139 three hour seminar. But here, at least, is video footage of the prestigious institution that prepares our best and brightest minds for the brain mushing world of reality television. Watch as the Today show reporter dances and runs the "gauntlet" of insults and does some pithy ad libbing about Bret Michaels. She's a natural. But, I guess, she is already on TV.
Harvard Wins Contest!
Moe · 08/22/08 09:57AM
Hey there, proud parents of exceptional teens, you can end your search for a learning experience that does justice to your child's special gifts RIGHT NOW because the new US News & World Report is up on the internet and they've found the place: Harvard University! And just how did the trusty trustees of Cambridge manage to nab the top spot away from Her RoyalHighness Academy Princeton* — on that shoestring endowment of theirs? The answer will enliven your loamy loins!By reducing average class size! Now a full 3/4 of Harvard undergraduate classes have fewer than 20 students. And you know what that means: more classes taught in intimate settings by younger instructors no doubt hungrier for brain sex. (I have anecdotal evidence of this, even. Earlier this year I met a young aspiring journalist from Harvard named Lena Chen, and she was traveling [to Julia Allison's house, in fact!] with an ex-teaching assistant in tow. I am pretty sure they were having traditional non-brain sex!) Now that you know that here is some information: it is the 25th anniversary of the journalism world's most pointlessly controversial listicle and still I am pretty sure Gawker has done the only actually funny (and crowdsourced) alternative ranking. Internet people, please put rub your A+ school for B student educated brains together and think us up a new concept. Unsafest Safety Schools? Fairly ridiculous names? *Ahem, Princeton would like you to know they still hold the top spot in several categories of the Princeton Review and also are beloved by Black Enterprise magazine despite that angry thesis penned by that alumni association Judas Michelle Obama. Vote For America's Most Annoying Liberal Arts College College & University Rankings Library Eating And Shopping In Cambridge [WWD] Campus Squirrel Listings
Reality TV School Teaches You How to Fake It
Richard Lawson · 06/27/08 02:21PM
Are you a "real person/entertainer" who likes reality TV? Would you like to actuallybe on one of those terrific programs like The Bachelor and/or Farmer Wants a Wife? Then you should head down to the New York Reality TV School, a prestigious institution run by an actor that teaches you all the skills of the dubious trade. Slate went and checked it out and reports back with whimsical tales of students with names like Queen Esther and people who have booze-related brain damage. So it's a horror show, to be sure, but also sort of refreshing!