
The Labor Movement Fucked Up By Supporting Hillary Clinton

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/16 08:33AM

In a campaign that is increasingly being defined by the public’s weariness with inequality and aspects of free trade, the labor movement has settled on Hillary Clinton as its presumptive presidential preference. The labor movement is fucking up.

Hillary Clinton's Reagan AIDS Revisionism Is Shocking, Insulting, and Utterly Inexplicable

Sam Biddle · 03/11/16 03:04PM

In an interview conducted at Nancy Reagan’s funeral today, Hillary Clinton recounted a version of history that didn’t happen, lauding the former first lady’s “low key advocacy” for the cause of HIV/AIDS awareness. “Low key” is one way of putting it. In fact, the Reagan White House is infamous for its lengthy, deadly silence on the epidemic.

Just Call Trump a Racist

Ashley Feinberg · 03/09/16 10:04PM

At tonight’s Democratic debate on Univision, moderator Karen Tumulty asked both candidates—point blank—whether or not they believed that noted racist Donald Trump was, in fact, a racist. The candidates’ collective response: Welllll.......

Hillary and Bernie Are Neck-to-Neck in Michigan

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/08/16 10:08PM

The race is still too close to call for Hillary or Bernie in the Michigan Democratic primary, where Donald Trump earlier tonight cruised to an easy win.

Your Guide to America's Super Tuesday National Meltdown

Ashley Feinberg · 03/01/16 10:00PM

Welcome, patriots, to what history will almost certainly see as the night America sealed its gruesome fate. That’s right—it’s Donald Trump Victory Night. And judging by the various primaries and caucuses thus far, it’s sure to be a night we’ll never forget. No matter how hard we try.

Bill Clinton Just a Little Bit Too Close for Comfort in Massachusetts

Brendan O'Connor · 03/01/16 07:10PM

On Tuesday, Bill Clinton sprinted around Massachusetts, putting in appearances at a variety of polling places, stumping for his wife, and skirting state rules for Election Day campaigning. One New Bedford woman posted a video showing long lines that accrued as voters were forced to wait for Clinton to leave.