
Clintons 'Deeply Unhappy' With Weiner

Max Read · 06/07/11 09:44PM

Much has been made of the fact that bulge-Tweeting congressman Anthony Weiner (8==D - N.Y.) is married to Huma Abedin, a close aide of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — and that President Clinton officiated at their wedding. But having been through a not entirely dissimilar situation does not seem to have made the Clintons more sympathetic to Weiner's problem:

Angela Merkel Presents Hillary Clinton With Photo of Their Midsections

Jim Newell · 06/07/11 02:36PM

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is on a state visit to the United States, and earlier today she held a press conference with prominent American leaders like Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. She came bearing a gift for her old pal Hillary, too — a framed German newspaper with a picture of their midsections, allowing readers to compare. Uh... thanks, Merk? It's that old Prussian sense of humor about ladies' hips, we guess. Germans are nuts. Anyway, Hilldawg got a good laugh out of it.

Would You Be Fooled by Any of These Celebrity Lookalikes?

Brian Moylan · 10/06/10 04:40PM

Toronto-based photographer John Hryniuk has spent the past couple of years photographing subjects at celebrity lookalike conventions. Do you think these George Bushes, Barack Obamas, Sarah Palins, Tiger Woods(es), and Hillary Clintons are as good as the real thing?