
Radio Lady Calls Clinton Name!

Pareene · 04/03/08 01:37PM

Air America host Randi Rhodes called Hillary Clinton a whore! Oh nooooooo outrage!! Rhodes, who has always been a cross between an outrageous stand-up comic and a naughty drive-time shock jock, has a regular show on the liberal radio network that no one listens to. The clip of her calling Hillary a whore was taken somewhere or other at some point in time and posted to YouTube by some guy. It's a scandal to those who need to actually pretend to take Randi Rhodes seriously in order to feel outraged about something. Also she calls Geraldine Ferraro a whore but no one cares. Anyway, Air America suspended her. Clip after the jump!

How Rupert Is Trying To Destroy Hillary This Week

Ryan Tate · 04/02/08 06:20AM

Sure, Rupert Murdoch's New York Post slammed Hillary Clinton in a front-page endorsement of her rival Barack Obama two months ago, but what has the News Corp. overlord done to obliterate the Democratic presidential candidate lately? He's rolled out daughter Elisabeth, for starters. The TV executive will host a fundraiser at her London home for Obama later this month. It's become quite the hot ticket: actress Gwyneth Paltrow will be there, along with former VP Al Gore's financier buddy. But Rupe is firing even more powerful guns at Hillary: Post headlines. Here's the one atop a Monday story about Hillary's false claim to have taken sniper fire during a 1996 trip to Bosnia:

"Hillary Clinton emerged from the jump door and crawled feet first down the fuselage toward the tail with no regard whatever for her own safety."

Pareene · 04/01/08 04:01PM

An emailer recalls an epic adventure, involving a certain candidate whose heroism under fire we've all come to respect: "I remember back in 1978 when I was in Airborne School at Ft. Benning. We were on our night jump, the last before we would graduate and get our coveted wings. Once again, I was scared to death and just wanted it all to be over. I could smell the acrid sweat from the men in my stick as they waited behind me. Whatever had possessed me to volunteer for this?


Pareene · 04/01/08 09:38AM

Author and noted critic-slugger Stanley Crouch, on Hillary Clinton: "On TV, Clinton seems by turns icy, contrived, hysterical, sentimental, bitter, manipulative and self-righteous." Play along at home: which of those adjectives also describe Stanley Crouch? Hint: we don't know or care if he's sentimental, and "icy" is only an insult to ladies. (We read a day-old Crouch column because Drudge decided it and a day-old Hitchens column were important enough to be highlighted this morning. Fun fact: both columns call Hillary "hysterical"!) [NYDN]

Impeachment-Funder <3s Hil!

Pareene · 03/31/08 02:38PM

Boy is the Times ever surprised to hear that Richard Mellon Scaife likes Hillary Clinton now! Background: Scaife underwrote the vast right-wing conspiracy against the Clintons that made the 90s so much fun. He gave The American Spectator two million bucks to create something called "The Arkansas Project," a fishing expedition that sought to uncover and publicize everything bad the Clintons ever did, ever, even the things they didn't do, and the things that weren't actually that bad. Then Bill Clinton was impeached for killing Vince Foster after their torrid sex affair, or something. But yesterday, Scaife announced that now he likes Hillary Clinton, quite a bit, because she sat down for an inverview with him and his Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. The Times notes how well this meeting went and how much of a surprise it is to hear Scaife say nice things about Hillary Clinton, but they don't note that they wrote this same story in February of 2007, the last time Scaife claimed to have totally come around on this Hillary Clinton character after a full decade of doing everything in his power to destroy her life. [Via Radosh, who suspects vast right-wring trickery.]


Pareene · 03/31/08 10:11AM

Remember when Hillary Clinton told that crazy lie about flying into Bosnia with Sinbad and evading sniper fire and killer robots or something, and it turned out she just stepped off a plane and heard a poem from a little girl? The New York Post finally tracked down that little girl, who is now 20. And they took a hilarious photo of her looking serious and holding up the poem. Headline: "FROM BAD TO VERSE FOR HILL." What does that even mean? The little girl was just confused by Senator Clinton's crazy story of snipers and werewolves so the Post found some random other Bosnians who were outraged, angered, and disappointed. Representative quotes:

Dowd Screams Her Point, Backtracks

ian spiegelman · 03/30/08 11:37AM

Times columnist and walking self-parody Maureen Dowd insists today that "Democrats are trying to sneak up on Hillary, throw a burlap sack over her head, carry her off the field and stick her in a Saddam spider hole until after the Denver convention." Yep, the party is through with Senator Hillary Clinton. "Democrats are coming around to the point Jay Rockefeller made 10 days ago after introducing Obama in West Virginia: 'Democrats always make a mistake by nominating people who know everything on earth there is to know about public policy. I introduced both Al Gore and John Kerry at their rallies. They knew all the policies, but people didn't connect with them. You don't get elected president if people don't like you.'" Plus, the ladies of The View find Barack Obama "sexy," so surely the race is over.

Hillary Clinton to Lose Nomination, Destroy Feminism

ian spiegelman · 03/29/08 08:59AM

"Valerie Benjamin, a human-resources manager for a consulting firm [in Pittsburgh], was driving to work recently in her red minivan with a Hillary bumper sticker when a man pulled up alongside and rolled down his window. 'You can be for Hillary all you want,' he shouted, 'but there is no way that thing is going to become president.'" You see, Senator Clinton inspires such a feverish rage in the minds of crotch-scratching knuckleheads that if she fails to become the Democratic nominee for President she will have set back the women's movement by decades. Run for cover!

Datalounge Gays Can't Have Nice Things, Political Threads

Pareene · 03/28/08 12:14PM

Datalounge, the famously bitchy gay message board, has apparently banned all political discussion. This race is tearing this nation apart! Many gays like Hillary Clinton because she is campy, but others like Barack Obama because he is attractive. Now no one can like either of them and that's final. Selections from the thread announcing the new policy, including the stunning revelation that the webmaster donated to Obama, attached.

'Slate' Mean to Hillary, Jeff Jarvis Weeps

Pareene · 03/28/08 09:19AM

Last night, Slate launched their new "Hillary Deathwatch," a recurring feature that will measure Hillary Clinton's odds of winning the Democratic nomination for the Presidency. Right now they have her at 12%. Also there is a little cartoon of Hillary Clinton standing atop a sinking ship. Cute! Entertainment Weekly founder and blog evangelist Jeff Jarvis raves: "I never liked Slate. And now I like them less." The truth comes out! Jeff never liked you, Slate. Him and Salon used to make fun of you behind your back in 1998, after Internet High School let out. [Slate]

Obama Ad Seeks Dirty Mexicans, Light-Skinned Black, Authentication

Ryan Tate · 03/28/08 02:35AM

This Craigslist ad looks like a casting call for a Barack Obama campaign commercial in Los Angeles, though of course it could easily be a ploy by pranksters or supporters of Obama's Democratic presidential opponent Hillary Clinton. The ad wants the whole rainbow of America, and is very specific about the composition of each stripe: "Middle Aged Hispanic Men (worker class/laborer look)... An Indian Female (From INDIA)... 3 black women, various shades... An Asian Female Thai or Philipino (darker)... (3) Caucasian girls, teen - 25." Well, this should certainly help further that substantive, stereotype-free racial discussion Obama called for! Image of the ad after the jump, and if you have any idea whether the poster is real or affiliated with Obama, we'd love to hear about it.

CBS Sets Katie Couric Set Up For Failure, Again

Rebecca · 03/26/08 08:45AM

Poor Katie Couric, she hasn't hosted a debate yet. And there have been so many! Katie really wants to, even if mean, mean Hillary says Passover conflicts with her faux-Jewish schedule. If April 19 doesn't work for you, Hil, any other date will work for Katie. She's free! Look, she's begging you, and Barack too, via the Times. Come on guys, it's CBS's turn! Because it's not like building up hype about Katie Couric's ability to succeed in a serious news role has ever screwed CBS before.

The Latest Additions To The Neverending Roster Of Brangelina Family Members Are ... Barack Obama And Hillary Clinton?

Molly Friedman · 03/25/08 07:28PM

Brangelina has yet to officially support any of the current presidential candidates, but now that they have learned that they're related to two of them, we can expect that an endorsement (or two!) is forthcoming. According to the New England Historic Genealogical Society, Brad Pitt is "ninth cousins" with Barack Obama, and Angelina Jolie is coincidentally "ninth cousins" with Hillary Clinton. So will the couple happily add the Dems to their "soccer team" or will the wildly varying family trees tear 'em apart? After a bit of research, we discovered that even if the pair did welcome them into their many homes with welcome arms, one of the candidates isn't quite as enraptured with the Jolie-Pitts as the rest of the world...

Clinton Strolls Into "Sniper Fire" In CNN Video

Ryan Tate · 03/24/08 10:11PM

CNN anchor Anderson Cooper and his team unearthed a video of Hillary Clinton casually strolling off a military transport plane after landing in Bosnia in 1996, the clearest proof yet against Clinton's prior claims her plane faced sniper fire during the landing. Said Cooper: "You'll notice the absence of any ducking — or any running — or any shooting for that matter... it was apparently safe enough for a little child to a read a poem to the senator on the tarmac." The silver-haired anchor advanced CBS News' earlier coverage not only with impressively-packaged background footage and quotes but also with that patented concerned-crinkly-face thing he does so well. Thank you for emoting on behalf of the entire country, Anderson, we appreciate it. Video after the jump.

Hil's Dangerous Bosnian Adventure Perhaps a Bit Exaggerated

Pareene · 03/24/08 03:13PM

So Hillary Clinton has been going around saying that she is qualified to be president of everyone in part because she was shot at in Bosnia once, in 1996. CBS News dug up their original story from that Bosnia trip, and it turns out the "sniper fire" was actually a little girl, with a flower. Some card spliced the report with the recent Clinton speech about how dangerous that trip was, what with all the "evasive maneuvers" and such. Busted! New York compares Hillary to memoir-faker Margaret Seltzer, but that's unfair: Hillary went to Bosnia with Sinbad so she's still got cred that no one can touch. Full clip attached below.

Is Hillary Clinton Even A Feminist?

Rebecca · 03/24/08 02:41PM

Hillary Clinton says she cares about women's issues, but when it comes to supporting actual women, she's just as useless as a Victoria's Secret push=up bra. She doesn't want to do a North Carolina debate, allegedly because of Passover, but really because she doesn't want to detract attention from the Pennsylvania primaries. But what about li'l Katie Couric, who is set to host the debate? CBS is aggressively pursuing another debate so Couric could prove her gravitas with real life presidential candidates. Too bad no one likes when women do anything first, or otherwise. [NYP]

'Slate's' Land of Pure Imagination

Pareene · 03/24/08 12:44PM

Serious-minded online magazine Slate usually deals in conventional wisdom upending, but over the last couple days they're just going in for political fanfic. First: what if Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton could both be president? At the same time! OMG best ever! We bet Han Solo and Captain Kirk woulda totally been bros too! Maybe Obama and Al Gore can team up with Wolverine to end global warming? ALSO wouldn't it be totally kick-ass if Hillary Clinton gave a really good speech about being a lady, like how Obama gave that speech about being black? That would be so cool. And it might go... a little something... like this: