
Hillary Waxes Existential, Emotional and Experienced on 'Meet the Press'

Joshua David Stein · 01/14/08 06:27AM

Hillary Clinton spent her Sunday talking to the massive manface of Tim Russert on 'Meet the Press'. The best part of the whole show, in my opinion, is the moment when the grandiose music ends and we see the dour feral downer face of Russert. Other fun points include every moment when Russert tries to stir up some race-baiting from Sen. Clinton who, once again in my personal opinion, does a very good job of not being ensnared in Russert''s "Gotcha, fucking racist!" game. She is, sadly, still kind of a robot, although an existential one. She cries Windex!

Clinton's Headshot Shot By Naked Boy Photographer

Joshua David Stein · 01/11/08 04:48AM

She might not have his logo, smile, endorsements, or inability to cry but Senator (NY-D) Hillary Clinton does have at least one thing on Barack Obama: a head shot. On her website, visitors can download an official Richard Phibbs headshot of the woman, black and white and smiling all over. She looks like former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright but hotter. Richard Phibbs has also shot Rhianna with a puppy, Susan Sarandon seeming to touch herself and many many many shots of men in various stages of deshabille. Samples after the jump.

Seth Abramovitch · 01/10/08 05:30PM

Roseanne Barr blogs her take on Oprah and Barack Obama: "barak [sic] obama is an empty suit selling 'hope' in lieu of Truth. He has no ideas, no plan and nothing to add other than the cynical pacification of the masses with bedtime stories about hope, while calling Unions 'special interest groups' that need to be done away with...Oprah, you play the race card and the gender card too. You are a closeted republican and chose Barak Obama because you do not like other women who actually stand for something to working American Women besides glamour, angels, hollywood and dieting! It is historical that Oprah Winfrey, beloved of women, chooses a flashy man with small credentials over a seasoned woman politician with 35 years of experience...and sells that to the female demographic who look to her for inspiration!" [roseanneworld.com]

Bill Clinton Wants You (To Vote For Hillary)

Maggie · 01/10/08 11:33AM

You have to love the two eagle-eyed guys behind Bill Clinton keeping an extra-careful watch on that handshake as the former president greeted college students this week in Hanover, N.H.. You never can be too careful, you know. Hey! Girl whose face we can only see half of! Don't look into his eyes! [The Dartmouth]

Matthews: We Love Hill Because Her Marriage Is a Sad Farce

Pareene · 01/09/08 07:16PM

Shouty mad man Chris Matthews' primary selling point and liability is that he will loudly say any damn thing that comes to him. This morning, on Scarborough, this came to him: "Let's not forget, and I'll be brutal, the reason she's a US Senator, the reason she's a candidate for President, the reason she may be a front runner, is that her husband messed around." That's Hillary Clinton he's talking about, in case you thought he was maybe referring to Pat Leahy. See, Chris, unless "messed around" means "secretly gave Rudy Giuliani cancer and replaced him with this lunatic," that statement really makes no sense. Of course, it is the Clintons, so you never really know. Crooks and Liars has the video, plus a thousand angry lefty internet nerds piling on in the comments. [Crooks & Liars]

Obama Defeats Clinton

Nick Denton · 01/09/08 03:16PM

Those poor British newspapers, with their inconvenient deadlines, and fear of missing the story. Hillary Clinton's surprising victory in the New Hampshire primary came too late for newspapers such as The Times and the Daily Telegraph. So their reporters filed stories based on polls putting Barack Obama comfortably ahead. Here's the Telegraph's story, but Rupert Murdoch's London Times was even more confident that Hillary Clinton would go down. (Anyone have a screenshot?) The media tycoon, who recently brought the Times' editor in to his latest acquisition, the Wall Street Journal, can't be too irate. He was the source, after all, for the New York Post splash that Dick Gephardt was John Kerry's chosen running mate.

Kevin Rose "supports" Ron Paul, Barack Obama

Owen Thomas · 01/08/08 01:09PM

Ron Paul, inexplicably, has locked up the geek vote. The quasi-libertarian crackpot has plenty of fans, affectionately known as "Paultards," from San Francisco to the Googleplex. Add to them Digg cofounder Kevin Rose, who listed Paul and Democratic frontrunner Barack Obama as his favorite candidates. (Blogger Will Chen noted the preferences on Rose's Digg profile page.) But I'd ask this: How much is Rose's support really worth?

First New Hampshire Votes Are In!

Pareene · 01/08/08 09:03AM

And Hillary Clinton has not received a single vote in the state of New Hampshire. Meltdown! The media was right! Once they declared her finished, after they anointed her the inevitable next president. And Drudge is running the most flattering photo of a liberal that we've ever seen him run. It's of Barry Obama! [NYT]

Iowa Gays Love Edwards Despite Hill-Loving HagFags

Joshua Stein · 01/03/08 01:50AM

Today Iowans flock, scamper and waddle to the cauci to help elect the next president of America. Some of those Iowans are gay people. This hasn't gone unnoticed by Hillary Clinton. Trolling Gay.com, HuffPo gay Alex Geana meets a man named "waverlydan" who says, "i have chatted with at least 20-25 guys who are in iowa working or volunteering for caucus ALL of them are working or volunteering for Hillary." But the Iowa gays actually prefer another man! Ummm, guess who.

Michael Moore Endorses No One, But Especially Not Hillary

Pareene · 01/02/08 03:43PM

Roly-poly propagandist Michael Moore wrote to his email listserve acolytes that, sadly, he would not be brainwashing them into supporting the candidate of his capricious choice in Iowa tomorrow. Because he's not endorsing any of them! That's the short answer. The long answer is that he's not endorsing any of them but super especially not endorsing Hillary Clinton. Because of Iraq, sure, and also maybe kinda because she was the only one who refused to sit down with him for a Rolling Stone interview two months ago, thus killing his piece. So: anyone but Hillary! Do it for Uncle Mike! [Drudge, letter posted below the jump because his link will last another hour or so]

Pareene · 12/28/07 03:40PM

Hillary flashing the crazy eyes remains marginally more important than rapidly spreading violent unrest in Pakistan, as has been the case since early this morning. Also: it is snowy in Chicago, there are a lot of immigrants, and a huge fucking tiger killed a guy! [Drudge]

Socialite Seasonal Affective Disorder

Choire · 12/27/07 12:34PM

New York society chronicler David Patrick Columbia is a little blue! He went out to lunch with Erica Jong the other day, and they talked about the YouTube videos about Henry Kravis and the tax-dodging mogul set. But lunch with Erica put him in a maudlin frame of mind, even though they went on to talk about Hillary Clinton. But how can one feel down when one receives such an amazing Christmas card from Dr. Sherrell and Muffie Potter Aston?

Pareene · 12/21/07 01:40PM

Slate shows impressive timing in choosing this week to focus their pointless and vaguely offensive "First Mates" series on Elizabeth Edwards. "Why Elizabeth Edwards Isn't Hillary Clinton"? Because when she proves to be more ambitious and driven than her smooth-talking husband, people don't respond to her with misogyny and him with disdain, apparently. Which means they might actually give a shit if and when they hear that he fooled around on her! [Slate]

Lady Prez-Wannabe Sends Barry Hussein Hot Xmas "Present"

Pareene · 12/20/07 01:20PM

Barack Obama may claim to believe in things and stuff, but he secretly doesn't. That's the lesson of today's Times story on his "nearly 130" "present" votes in the Illinois legislature, a story that surely took hours of painstaking research, where "research" means "talking with Hillary's campaign and perusing the websites they set up specifically to accompany this story, Votingpresent.com and Votingpresent.org." (Both those sites are not configured right now.) Also, Votingpresent.net is the single awesomest site on the internets.

Obama's Vote in Illinois Was Often Just 'Present' [NYT]
Clinton Launches Obama Attack Web Sites [ABC]

Desperate Clinton Begs Cowboys To 'Inspect' Her

Pareene · 12/18/07 03:50PM

"'I've been to cattle barns before and sales before, in Arkansas, but I've never felt like I was the one that was being bid on,' Clinton told the crowd in the auction barn, many of whom wore cowboy hats. 'I know you're going to inspect me. You can look inside my mouth if you want. I hope by the end of my time with you I can make the case for my candidacy and to ask you to consider caucusing for me.'"

Hillary, 'Pumped,' Tries a New Look in Iowa [NYO]