
Hillary Clinton's Foreign Policy Plan: Donald Trump Is a Crazy Person

Andy Cush · 06/02/16 03:15PM

In a speech that was ostensibly about foreign policy given this afternoon in San Diego, Hillary Clinton’s main point of focus was not on America’s allies and enemies abroad, but her own enemy at home, Donald Trump. “Donald Trump’s ideas aren’t just different, they are dangerously incoherent,” she told the crowd. “They’re not even really ideas—just a series of bizarre rants, personal feuds and outright lies.”

Donald Trump Hoping You Hadn't Heard About Benghazi or Monica Lewinsky

Brendan O'Connor · 05/16/16 01:15PM

Donald Trump has laid out in an interview how he plans to “attack” Hillary Clinton in the general election, predictably leveling criticisms at her over her handling of her husband’s extramarital affairs and the attacks on the embassy in Benghazi—shocking stuff, really.

Chelsea Clinton's Husband Fucked Up

Ashley Feinberg · 05/11/16 12:35PM

Marc Mezvinsky, husband to Chelsea Clinton and occasionally successful hedge fund manager, thought it would be a good idea to bet on the Greek economy a few years ago. But unfortunately for him and the rest of his firm, it was not. Mr. Chelsea Clinton has fucked up.