
Crack, Ugh.

Hamilton Nolan · 10/21/09 09:47AM

Spencer Morgan's newest Profile of an Odd Man is good enough to make you throw up, because you can almost hear the crack bubbling in a fucked up corner of a too-cool subculture. Ugh. Crack.

Wine Bar, Gangs, Crazies Fight in Williamsburg

Hamilton Nolan · 10/13/09 09:52AM

A committed band of coots, cranks, and wingnuts in Williamsburg are ready to do whatever it takes to ensure that their neighborhood doesn't get one more wine bar, which would make all the gangs come in.

Fan-Made Music Video Restores Hope In Music Video Kind

Foster Kamer · 08/22/09 06:45PM

Remember music videos being important, and good? Neither does anybody I know, because our memory's been wiped by MTV and VH1's current slate of programming. And then there's this beautiful, fan-made music video of indie band Grizzly Bear's "Two Weeks."

'It’s Kind of an American Apparel Ad Come to Life'

The Cajun Boy · 08/12/09 10:11PM

Remember "aerobics," that early 80s sartorial nightmare ushered in by Jane Fonda, Olivia Newton-John and Richard Simmons? Well, it's making a comeback in LA's Silver Lake neighborhood, where local hipsters are now sweating it out in spandex, leotards and leg-warmers.

SoHo House's Nü Elitism: Take Off Your Suit, Give Us Real Books

Foster Kamer · 08/08/09 08:00PM

SoHo House, why're you so cruel? The Manhattan country club thriving on envy of an "elite" membership will crack down on violators of their draconian policies/culture eugenics! Suits are neit wanted. Neither are real books, which they intend to imprison.

Brooklyn's Dumpster Swimming Pools Going National

The Cajun Boy · 07/20/09 01:56AM

The internet's been buzzing over a Brooklyn company's plan to convert discarded dumpsters into swimming pools, and now that they've successfully conned doltish hipsters into swimming inside of dumpsters, the owners want to expand their evil empire into suburbia.