
Who Is the Hipster of the Decade?

Hamilton Nolan · 12/21/09 03:29PM

Yea, we know the word "hipster" is played out. That's exactly why we need to pick a Hipster Champ of the past decade. So we can lay the whole damn thing to rest. Your candidates, below. Vote. If you want.

Poetry in the Machine: 'Mismatched Plates'

Brian Moylan · 12/21/09 02:52PM

Seed, the AOL Media Borg that will destroy journalism, is still alive, despite our best efforts. Today we launch another missile of creativity at its hull. It asks what to do with mismatched plates, and we respond with a poem.

Exactly As You Would Imagine It

Hamilton Nolan · 12/16/09 12:49PM

"'Square-dancing here isn't really what people imagine it to be,' [Portland hipster Paul] Silveria [friends with many 'tattooed habitués of the punk scene'] says of the hybrid rock and square-dance moves he does." Oh yes it is. [WSJ]

Brooklyn's Hottest Stereotypes in Battle of Bike Lane Martyrs

Hamilton Nolan · 12/09/09 10:47AM

Objectively speaking, some 24 year-olds repainting bike lanes on the street ranks in the bottom 10% of New York crime stories on any given day. But since they are HIPSTERS who love to ride bikes battling THE JEWS who hate hipsters and their immodest bike-riding attire, there in Williamsburg, in a sexxxy culture clash, well then. Two bike lane repainters got arrested and now the cultural martyrdom grows deeper:

Baruch Herzfeld —

Gabriel Snyder · 12/08/09 09:53AM

bicycle activist describing the gulf between Hasidim and hipsters in Williamsburg, as revealed in a battle over bike lanes (Hasids say they fear "staring at members of the opposite sex in various states of undress"), to the New York Post.

Prohibition for Pansies: Bathtub Bootlegging Hipster Juice

Foster Kamer · 12/05/09 04:15PM

File Under: Ideas Bad for Humanity. An industrious writer embarked on a mission to recreate the now-banned Hipster Holy Water known as Sparks. Reactions? "God, that's so fucking gross," and "This is the best day of my life." Success! [SFWeekly]

Bicycle Safety, Ironic Hipsters, and You

Mike Byhoff · 11/24/09 04:16PM

Here's an informative PSA about how to not only be the safest, coolest cyclingest dude around, but also how to make a convincing fake PSA.

The National Pork Board Does Not Endorse Eating Cats

Hamilton Nolan · 11/12/09 12:32PM

The all-powerful National Pork Board has sicced its attorneys on make-your-own-clever-shirt site Neighborhoodies. The National Pork Board strongly disagrees with Alf's assertion that cats are "The Other White Meat."

Is Hoodie Nation in Full Retreat?

Richard Rushfield · 11/05/09 04:39PM

This was supposed to be the beginning of a new era, built around a new kind of pop culture. But when the director of Napoleon Dynamite's new film can't even get a national release, the dream is surely in danger.

Pabst Brewing Co. Sale Sure to Be 'Hip' (Ha)

Hamilton Nolan · 11/02/09 10:55AM

Pabst Brewing Company, maker of PBR, is going up for sale. Oh we know who should buy it: A hipster! Hahahaha. Sure, try finding a hipster with $300 million! Hahaha. Maybe for beer they'd find it! Haha. [NYP. Pic: LATFH]