
John Cook · 06/03/13 04:20PM

New York City's greatest rock venue—Maxwell's in Hoboken, N.J.—is shutting its doors because your youth inexorably slides away from you and nothing is familiar anymore.

New Jersey Bans Snooki and JWOWW's Jersey Shore Spinoff

Brian Moylan · 01/31/12 04:10PM

The city of Hoboken, New Jersey, has denied a request for a proposed MTV Jersey Shore spinoff starring the show's boozy Lucy and Ethel JWOWW and Snooki. Damn, no one in New Jersey wants these two.

Hoboken, NJ Gets Its Very Own Sinkhole

Adrian Chen · 10/09/10 02:50PM

A 50-foot sinkhole opened up on the street in Hoboken, NJ yesterday afternoon. According to Gothamist, no one was injured. Well, there's finally a reason to visit Hoboken, NJ! [Image via AP]

Over in Jersey...

cityfile · 07/30/09 02:32PM

After doing his best to hang on and remain in office, Hoboken mayor Peter Cammarano—one of the dozen or so politicians caught up in that ginormous corruption scandal in New Jersey—has finally agreed to step down. The political damage to Gov. Jon Corzine is only beginning. Pollsters are already giving Corzine's Republican challenger the advantage in the upcoming gubernatorial elections. [NYT]

Giant Robot Menaces Hoboken

Chris Mohney · 08/08/06 11:40AM

From this side of the river, Hoboken may look like an idyllic paradise of medium-rise office complexes and traditional New Jerseyan values, but just be advised it's on the brink of robotic apocalypse. City leaders thought they could control the automated parking garage on Garden Street themselves, so they kicked out the robot's creators and took over the joint. Unfortunately, the robotic building had been programmed to obey only its legitimate contractual masters, so the recalcitrant garage not only didn't work, it confined and digested the cars already stored within (the building has no ramps or other conventional means of access for pitiful humans). Some kind of truce has been reached for now, with the robot once again taking in new cars and disgorging its previous contents, but how long before the building breaks free of its shackles entirely and fords the Hudson to threaten Manhattan's fragile self-park ecosystem? Mr. Millennia could not be reached for comment.