
Behold The 'Portolio' estival avor

abalk2 · 12/14/06 12:50PM

This delicious pastry you see be ore you was one o the treats handed out at last night's Port olio holiday party. Note the stunning cra tsmanship, intricate design, and aesthetically pleasing requency o the amed Port olio . I this cookie is any indication o how the inance mag will actually turn out, we're sure the 8,000 sta ers Conde Nast has hired over the last year will have long, productive tenures at the book. We'll give you an update on how it tastes a ter the Adderall wears o and we eel like having ood again.

Gawker's Holiday Party Guide: How Could We Forget 'The Observer'

abalk2 · 12/06/06 04:10PM

A glaring omission in our party map: The Observer holiday party. We have it on good authority that the event will be taking place on Thursday, December 14, at 49 Grove, a "dramatic showplace for private parties and special events." We haven't been ourselves, but the website assures us that "If Ralph Lauren had been a rock star, this is what his living room would look like." If the accompanying photo is any indication, we're sure young Kush and his charges are in for one hell of a ride. It may not be Hilly, but George Gurley's knocking someone up that night.

Gawker's Holiday Party Guide: Clip and Save

abalk2 · 12/06/06 02:55PM

We asked, and you answered. (We also got a little help from the the folks at the Observer). Here, in all its glory, is Gawker's Holiday Party Guide. (Click to enlarge). The full list of corresponding events is after the jump (including the location of the top secret Vogue party.) Print and use, and let us know if you get in to anything good.

Solicited: Media Holiday Party Information

abalk2 · 12/05/06 01:00PM

This morning's WWD carried an article with a fairly comprehensive list of media holiday parties. Always on the cutting edge where service meets technology, your friends at Gawker are working on a map that will help all you wannabe Priyantha Silvas out there rub shoulders with drunk and frisky middle-management media types. (Alternately, it will help you know what to avoid.) Still, there are a couple of names missing from WWD's list: If you work for a media company that's throwing a holiday party (particularly Vogue, those tight-lipped mofos) or have knowledge of same, please send us the information, including date, time, and venue (or actual invitations, if possible). Do it for us, and do it for Priyantha.