
From Renting to Owning to Eviction to Squatting to Jail

Hamilton Nolan · 11/09/10 05:00PM

The Way We Live Now: reclaiming our world. The homeless are reclaiming the houses. The arbs are reclaiming the arbitrage. The consumers are reclaiming the debt. Everyone's "reclaiming" the gold, from greedy Mother Earth. Get yours, or stop whining!

Woman Drove Around With Corpse For Close to a Year

Maureen O'Connor · 10/22/10 04:15PM

A police officer ticketed an illegally parked car and peeked inside. There sat a mummified female human. Apparently the owner's friend died while sitting there and the owner "continued to dress the body and drive around with it."

Panic Is Perfectly Rational

Hamilton Nolan · 05/11/10 11:06AM

Walking away from your hopelessly underwater mortgage: everyone's doing it! But a new study says that these "strategic" defaults ("strategic"= commonsensical) are driven by anger and fear, not rational calculation. Well. There are plenty of reasons to be angry.

Homeless and Done, Nowhere to Run

Hamilton Nolan · 03/30/10 03:23PM

The Way We Live Now: Staunchly homeless. Some of us try to deny it; some of us try to hide it; but all of us are homeless, or nearly homeless, or one state budget cut from becoming homeless. It's trendy.

NYC's Homeless Denied Canal Street's Finest

cityfile · 01/13/10 01:14PM

H&M took some heat last week after it was revealed that one of the company's stores in Midtown regularly destroyed its unsold merchandise rather than give the items to charity. The Swedish retailer revised its policy the next day, but now it's the mayor's turn on the hot seat. It seems the NYPD has been incinerating or shredding the counterfeit clothing that it's seized over the past year, thus "abandoning a practice of giving knockoff garments to groups that help the needy." [NYT]

H&M Has an Appetite for Destruction

cityfile · 01/06/10 01:06PM

What do you think retail chains like H&M do with all the perfectly good clothing that they don't manage to sell? If you guessed "slash it to shreds and dump it in the garbage," give yourself a prize.

NYC's Homeless Will Never Forget Dash Snow

cityfile · 09/02/09 08:22AM

It's been a few weeks since downtown artist Dash Snow died of a heroin overdose. But photographer Ryan McGinley is now speaking out about the death of his close friend. In the new issue of Vice, he recounts some of the great times they shared over the years, like "sniffing coke off toilet seats [and] doing bumps off each other's fists" in "the bathroom of every bar below 14th Street." Oh, and how Snow and one of his other friends would get wasted and have fun at the expense of homeless people:

Donny Deutsch Is No Friend to the Homeless

cityfile · 07/29/09 01:50PM

Ad mogul and fill-in MSNBC anchor Donny Deutsch thinks it's a totally super idea to ship New York's homeless population to far-flung places! At least that's what he said under his breath today as the cable network went to commercial break. His reaction probably won't come as much of a surprise, of course. But prepare yourself for the news that Deutsch's worked out a marketing deal to make JetBlue the official airline of New York City's unwanted masses. It's bound to happen sooner or later. The clip is below.

New York City Is a Budget Traveler's Best Friend

cityfile · 07/29/09 07:47AM

Interested in trading New York City for, say, Paris, but don't have the cash to buy a plane ticket? No problem! Pretend you're homeless and the City of New York will gladly pay for it:

Russell Simmons, Hero

cityfile · 07/17/09 11:14AM

Enlightened hip hop mogul Russell Simmons tells New York that the worst part of living in New York is dealing with the "extreme poverty." So does that mean the yoga fanatic gives money to panhandlers? "Every one that asks!" he says. Be sure to pass along this bit of info to the homeless man standing on your corner later today. He'll be glad you did. [NYM]

Now Theft-Worthy: Salt

Hamilton Nolan · 07/10/09 11:47AM

The Way We Live Now: Broke as a joke from coast to coast. They're selling heroin in Maine. They've sent everyone on furlough in California. And in the Midwest, you can't even leave salt outside without enterprising Americans swiping it.

Advertising Creatives Give Back

cityfile · 05/01/09 11:43AM

If you recently lost your job in advertising—or you're still employed but have lots of free time on your hands—you can still make sure that you're putting your creative talents to good use. Ad copywrighter Todd Norem recently helped a homeless man in Minneapolis come up with new signs to use when he hits the streets to pandhandle. The result? His "client," Ed, reported "at least a 800 percent increase in gross income on days his media ran." Now we'll just have to hope copywrighters in NYC rise to the occasion and do their part, too. A couple of other clever signs Norem created for Ed after the jump.