
Lacey Donohue · 12/28/13 05:00PM

[A Palestinian man rides a horse on a Gaza beach Saturday evening as the sun sets in Gaza City. Image by Hatem Moussa via AP]

Hey, Mitt Romney, Your Horse Didn't Win the Olympics

Max Read · 08/02/12 12:02PM

Mitt Romney didn't watch his wife's horse Rafalca compete in the Olympics — "I'm not even sure which day the sport goes on," he said to NBC last week. "I will not be watching the event. I hope her horse does well." —so it falls to us to break the news to him: Mitt, the horse participated in dressage today. And it did well, but it didn't medal.

Ridiculous Horse Names Make for Unintentionally Hilarious Commentary

Matt Cherette · 08/25/10 01:45PM

A recent New Jersey horse race included competitors named Lady Mutada, Little Miss Macho, My Wife Knows Everything, and My Wife Doesn't Know. With that in mind, it's obvious that the announcer's commentary made for hilariously inadvertent comedy. Video inside.

Horse Backflips Onto His Owner

Whitney Jefferson · 11/20/09 04:30PM

The words "spine-crushing" and "welcome to your new life in a wheelchair" come to mind.


ian spiegelman · 09/27/08 10:58AM

A reader sends us this rather unfortunate arrangement of posters from the 28th Street #1 train subway stop. Well, I think SJP's sexy. I just can't stand that show of hers. [via Phasezero]