
Hot Air Balloon's Explosion, Plummet Captured on Terrifying Video from Nearby Balloon

Max Read · 02/27/13 08:55AM

A passenger on a nearby balloon managed to capture video of the hot air balloon accident that claimed the lives of 19 tourists yesterday in Luxor, Egypt: Smoke billows from the balloon's basket for several seconds before the ballon itself dramatically deflates and plummets toward the ground. Passengers on the balloon filming the terrifying scene can be heard gasping and praying. Victims included tourists from Japan, China, the U.K. and Hungary; the two survivors, the pilot and a British tourist, survived by jumping from the balloon. "I saw tourists catching fire and they were jumping from the balloon," local farmer Hassan Abdel-Rasoul told AP. "They were trying to flee the fire but it was on their bodies." The crash—by far the worst in history—led to the immediate suspension of hot air balloon flights in Luxor.

South Carolina Highway Cops Bust Ron Paul Hot Air Balloon

Jim Newell · 01/20/12 12:55PM

The Ron Paul people resorted to firing up a big ol' hot air balloon in "the middle of the frontage road" right out there off of I-85 in upstate South Carolina yesterday as a means of getting any attention whatsoever in the state. It worked: Palmetto State motorists, transfixed by the aircraft's radiance of Liberty, sat in traffic for four miles. The highway cops eventually issued the balloonists a warning for "improper lane use" and got them to pack up.

Hot Air Balloon Wipes Out Crowd

Michael Jordan · 01/29/10 02:30PM

Here's a tip: if you're going to launch a hot air balloon, make sure it's actually in the air. Especially if you're going to fly over (and not into) crowds of people.

Sunset Sunrise

Brian Moylan · 08/13/09 05:14PM

[A hot air balloon festival got underway today in Baotou in the Chinese province of Inner Mongolia; image via Getty]