
Want to See Your Work on Gawker.TV?

Richard Blakeley · 03/20/10 04:14PM

We here at Gawker.TV want to give a voice to anyone who's in love with TV, Movies, and online video as much as we are. Details on how to make that happen and an explanation of sydnication inside.

New Feature: Browse Our Videos by Popularity and Date

Whitney Jefferson · 03/02/10 02:15PM

Hey, Gawker.TV readers! Just wanted to give you all a heads up on a new way to watch videos on our site. If you're curious as to what our most popular posts are, this is for you.

How To Join the #TVParty

Whitney Jefferson · 02/26/10 04:19PM

Got something to say about what you're watching? TV Party is your place to sound off about it. It's an open forum that's available to you at all hours of the day. Details and further instructions after the jump.

Come Intern for Free at Gawker So We Can Teach You How to Be Like Us

John Cook · 01/06/10 11:55AM

If you're stupid or improvident enough to covet a "career" in journalism-type-stuff, why not start with a Gawker internship? In exchange for stressful labor under constant deadlines, you'll get nothing valuable experience at whatever it is we do.

A Prettier Way to Read Gawker While Travelling

Gabriel Snyder · 12/21/09 04:18PM

Seeing as how many of you will be away from your computers the next few days, I wanted to let you know there's a newish, niftier version of Gawker's site for iPhones (maybe Blackberries, too?) if you go to ""

The Gawker Skybox (Update: Had) Issues: An Apology and Explanation

Gabriel Snyder · 11/30/09 10:22AM

Good morning! Welcome back from the long holiday weekend. If you're like us, you're probably wondering why pictures of Michael Showalter and Michael Ian Black are the first things you see at the top of the home page. It's a glitch, we're told, that's running art from two different ad campaigns on the site right now. Update: the whole thing has been taken down until the issue is resolved. Thanks, ad folks.

Please Join Me in Welcoming Myself

Adrian Chen · 11/08/09 08:00PM

Hello, my name is Adrian Chen and I am your new early shift night editor! This means I will be frantically shoveling words into the 8pm-12am news hole each Sunday through Thursday night. Please welcome me.

Gawker Is Seeking Night Owls

Gabriel Snyder · 10/15/09 02:16PM

Do you stay up all night? Or maybe live in a timezone where you're up when it's the middle of the night in NYC? Oh good, because Gawker has some overnight positions open. Details after the jump.

Gawker Is Seeking Video Interns

Gabriel Snyder · 08/21/09 01:03PM

Do you like to watch TV? Would like to watch TV for us instead of your Twitter account? (The pay is the same, btw.) Well, lucky you: the Gawker Video team is looking for fall interns. Details after the jump.

Gawker Comments Are Made of Stars

Gabriel Snyder · 07/09/09 11:09AM

The new Gawker commenting system is here. And, if everything works out as planned, it will let us highlight the brilliant, witty and informative comments. Welcome to a new hierarchical era.

"We Can't Be Consumed By Our Petty Differences Anymore"

Foster Kamer · 07/03/09 08:02PM

True story: tomorrow's my second day not working in 62 days! Take a wild guess what I'll be doing tonight! Meanwhile, if any news breaks, uh, just read the comments in this thread. We'll be back on Sunday.

The Holiday Weekend Is Upon Us

Gabriel Snyder · 07/02/09 04:30PM

Because it's our patriotic duty, we won't be publishing on Saturday. However, Foster will be around tomorrow and Sunday. Also, we're making some changes to comments next week: stars are about to become much more powerful, rare. More on Monday.