
How To Fake a Toned Body With Fake-Tanner

Alison Flood · 03/10/10 11:00AM

Whether you're getting ready for spring break or summer vacation, knowing how look in shape without actually working for it is an essential part of the season.

How to Defend your Special Gal

David Matthews · 03/08/10 11:00AM

When your the only bro in the bro-gang that's got a gal, you'll probably have to defend her honor over a slight at some time. This creative video will give you a vague idea of how to go about that.

How to Ignore a Guy

David Matthews · 03/05/10 11:00AM

Whether you're dealing with a loudmouth at a bar, or an unrequited suitor for your affections, ignoring a guy is a useful skill to have in your bandolier of skills. It's the Tide to Go pen of skills.

How to Tell Your Boyfriend He is a Bad Kisser

Alison Flood · 03/04/10 11:00AM

Like many things in relationships, this video will show you how to seductively trick a man into doing what you want him to do without actually asking. It'll teach you how to fudge the truth and get what you want.

How to Turn a Book Into a Secret Hiding Place

Zach Mack · 03/03/10 11:00AM

There's something inherently cool about stashing your valuables in a hollowed out book. This video shows you how to turn an old book into a secret stash spot. Trust me: it'll make you feel like a badass.

How to Become An Ultimate Fighter

Alison Flood · 03/02/10 11:00AM

Have a blind rage inside of you that needs to be let out? According to this video, if you have a crazy wardrobe and similarly crazy friends—your hidden anger can help make you an expert in mixed martial arts.

How to Become an Olympic Athlete

David Matthews · 03/01/10 11:00AM

Gawker.TV is sad to see the Olympics come and go yet again. However, after watching this video we have been inspired to try out for the 2012 London Games. 5,000M Gin Chug, here we come!

How to Make Waffles From Scratch

David Matthews · 02/26/10 11:00AM

Did you give up waffles for Lent (related: uh, why?)? If so, check out this video so you'll have a quick fix when you're in a breakfast bind on a hot Easter morning.

How To be a Better Driver in a Big City

David Matthews · 02/25/10 11:00AM

Are you considering delivering pizzas in your free time? It's a big city out there (and not all the streets are neatly numbered or lettered) so you're gonna need all the help you can get navigating the lipstick concrete jungle.

How to Party Your Way to Better Health

Alison Flood · 02/24/10 11:00AM

Looking to avoid health problems as serious as dimensia or as trivial as the common cold? Get yourself some friends, red-wine, and Lady Gaga because partying in moderation can actually help your health.

How To File for Unemployment

Alison Flood · 02/23/10 11:00AM

Given the current social and economic climates, knowing how to apply for unemployment is an unfortunate thing we should all know how to do. Howcast makes this less depressing by using ants as models instead of real people.

How To Give a Baby Laser Eyes

Whitney Jefferson · 02/22/10 11:00AM

What could possibly make a photo of an adorable baby and a cute-as-pie monkey better than it already is? Laser Eyes! This quick photoshop tutorial will turn any innocent person in a photo into a terrorizing menace.

How To Heal a Broken Heart

David Matthews · 02/19/10 11:00AM

Valentine's Day has come and gone. If you're one of the many unloved people in the world, this video will help you cope with your pain and lead you to your true calling: Zach Braff caricature.

How To Belly Roll

Rachel Simpson · 02/18/10 11:00AM

Maybe you want to impress people with your belly dancing skills. Maybe you want to gross people out with your jiggly gut. Either way, this is how you do it.

Understand the Basics of Wine in Four Minutes

Frank Cozzarelli · 02/17/10 11:00AM

Unlike most morning show segments, this guide to understanding wine from yesterday's Regis and Kelly is actually helpful! Kevin Zraly, of the Windows on the World wine course, breaks it down for us quite simply.

Only a barbarian would pair a chardonnay with Dover sole. Now you can impress your man or ladyfriend by knowing which varietal of Two-Buck Chuck to drink with your next home-cooked meal!

How To Tell Your Parents You’re Accidentally Pregnant

David Matthews · 02/16/10 11:00AM

If Juno taught us anything, it's that you can't sass talk your way out of all your problems. Watch this video and should you be thrust into this difficult situation, you'll be prepared to handle it.

Even if the father to be is a struggling luchador, that's better than a musician.

How to Be a Pope

Aman Ellis · 02/15/10 11:00AM

Apparently there's more to being the pope than just meeting with world leaders and pardoning molesting priests.