
Bloomberg Uses the NYPD to Defend His Vacation Home

cityfile · 01/06/10 03:20PM

Members of the NYPD's Gang Unit will be heading to Bermuda to help its police force solve several gang-related shootings that have "rocked the island" recently. Did the fact that Mayor Bloomberg happens to have a lovely weekend home in Bermuda (above) factor into the decision? It certainly seems that way. Bermuda's minister of public safety tells a local paper that Bloomberg contacted the Premier of Bermuda personally to offer up the NYPD's assistance: "He rang the Premier, as a resident of Bermuda and someone who has a keen interest in the safety of Bermuda. He is a friend. He said, 'We probably can help. Get your Commissioner to talk to the head of our Gang Unit.'" Too bad Bloomberg never picked up a castle in Darfur. All that genocide would have been over in no time! [Village Voice, Bermuda Sun]

Is There Anything on TV That's Safe to Watch?

cityfile · 10/06/09 11:19AM

"Nearly one-third of Americans say they are less likely to watch Late Show host David Letterman following the funnyman's admission that he has had affairs with women who work on his CBS show, according to a poll released today." Really? But what will all these people watch on TV instead?