Sanjaya Keeping Busy While Waiting For Someone To Give Him A Job
mark · 05/22/07 02:39PMSome precocious students from RISD are currently circulating the above video on the internets, in which a postlapsarian Sanjaya Malakar begins a new campaign to rape the minds of an American public he hasn't been able to brain-diddle on a mass scale since his shocking Idol dismissal, claiming that "Sanjaya's" entire existence is nothing more than an elaborate art project by someone named "Bill Vendall." It's just cute enough to pass along, so: enjoy, even if it somewhat ruins your pet theory that tomorrow night's winner would dramatically tear off her latex Jordin mask to reveal the pony-hawked incubus beneath.
'New Yorker' Critic Needs Your Donations
Doree Shafrir · 05/22/07 10:40AM
Alert! Sasha Frere-Jones, the New Yorker's resident Justin Timberlake and Mariah Carey enthusiast, is also an amateur photographer, which you may know if you ever visit his website, where you will see photographs of such things as purple tulips, turkey sandwiches with a side of orange, and graffiti. But Sasha would like your help, for his external hard drive has failed, and he has lost "every photo taken between October 2003 and December 2005." To retrieve these photos, he needs $5,000. That's where you come in!
"Slacker" net music player service thing debuts this week
Chris Mohney · 03/12/07 01:00PM
March 14 is set for the SXSW debut of Slacker, which is some part of the musicology initiative from Dennis Mudd (formerly of Musicmatch, sold to Yahoo in 2004) and tune-gadget dudes Jim Cady and Jonathan Sasse. Details are sketchy, as this new endeavor has only been described as an "internet music ecosystem," though it's part of the overall venture of the three execs' Broadband Instruments. Supposedly it incorporates a wireless-capable player, plus a "social aspect," and a kitchen sink or two. Hype is careful to couch it as a new, innovationary step forward, rather than an iPod-killer per se. More of an iPod-hurter, if all goes well. Will the strong prey upon the weak, as in any proper ecosystem? Developing.
Many music execs not DRM fans either
Chris Mohney · 02/15/07 12:00PM
Setting aside the weirdness of this supposedly real image used to illustrate the story, a Jupiter Research report from December-January found little support for DRM among European music execs. The data is marginally interesting, as it presaged Steve Jobs's "Thoughts on Music" thing. But without seeing the full data ($750, anyone?) you can't really tell which kinds of execs said what. A few breakout stats are worth examining.
Dave Goldberg, Bob Roback out at Yahoo
Chris Mohney · 02/13/07 12:28PMInside A Conspicuous Paris Hilton Awards Show Appearance
mark · 02/12/07 04:59PM
While virtually our only memory of last night's Grammys telecast involves Justin Timberlake face-fucking a handheld video camera in an attempt to translate his performance into a more YouTube-ready format, an operative who was in attendance jogs our memory about a blink-and-you-missed-it Paris Hilton appearance we'd forgotten about, offering a look at how her two seconds of screen time was made possible:
Irresponsible Rumormongering: Bloodletting at MTV Imminent
Doree Shafrir · 02/09/07 03:30PM
We're hearing that "as many as" 500 people may be let go at MTV Networks "as early as next week." And another tipster reports that "Viacom is so pissed off at MTV Networks for missing their targets and being late on their true financial estimates for the end of 2006 that they are docking every staffer's quoted bonus by at least 15 percent .... Coming from a company that has plumped up their bonus payout for the past many years, docking their resources to an 85 percent payout will hurt like crazy and prompt many of them (both junior and senior) to pack their bags." Perhaps involuntarily, it would seem. Looks like Gideon Yago got out just in time.
Ghetto Pass: True Negro Confessions 1
pevans · 02/08/07 11:10AMTeam Party Crash: Tribeca Cinema Series Presents 'Sound Bites'
abalk2 · 01/31/07 02:20PMBecause 'We Are The Champions' Seemed Sort Of Played Out?
Emily Gould · 01/04/07 04:35PMNot "You" Too, Spin!
Chris Mohney · 12/27/06 03:30PMCrack Now Basically Legal in UK for Pete Doherty
Chris Mohney · 12/05/06 01:40PMBritrocker and Kate Moss manbutter supplier Pete Doherty may have been caught with heroin and crack in his car while ostensibly in drug rehab, but that's nothing a few hundred pounds and a break from driving can't fix. Making his weekly court appearance, Doherty didn't pretend to wince at this slap on the wrist, even enjoying a compliment from the judge for one of his songs. He now has a few days to try and figure out just what, exactly, one has to do in London in order to actually go to jail these days. We look forward to more progress from what must surely be the most tolerant (if not successful) rehab program in the world.
Note to Restaurants: Frank Bruni Hates the Postal Service
Doree Shafrir · 11/24/06 01:45PM
In January 2005, NYT restaurant critic Frank Bruni wrote a review of Little Giant, the "refined comfort food" (his words) on Orchard St., in which he spent at least half of the review discussing the owners' brilliant music choices. ("Siouxsie and the Banshees? Circa the early 1980's? Didn't I own that album?" Oh, Frank, you little Goth teenager, you.)
Taxonomy of an Indie Rock Show
Doree Shafrir · 11/17/06 01:50PM
There's something very special about going to see a formerly indie band, now signed to a major label, play a venue that three years ago would've been much too big for them. Not to put too fine a point on it, but the crowd gets a little schizophrenic. In New York, this generally happens at places like Irving Plaza, Hammerstein, or Webster Hall, where we found ourselves the other night, taking in the Modest Mouse show along with approximately 1500 other people. It turned out most of them could be broken down into several distinct categories, which we've outlined for you after the jump.
Park Slopers Debate How to Best Avoid Indie Rockers Next Door
Doree Shafrir · 11/14/06 04:55PMPete Doherty, Linguistic Frontiersman
Doree Shafrir · 11/07/06 04:15PM
Not content to let his fucked-uppedness infect one creative industry, Babyshambles frontman/Kate Moss drug supplier Pete Doherty is planning a fashion line with British clothing company Gio-Goi, which we've never heard of. Though this news is slightly confusing, it's no less confusing than what Doherty told NME:
Moby Reminds Us Why He's the Most Annoying Guy In Music
Doree Shafrir · 11/06/06 05:00PMBeing Massive Asshole Apparently Prerequisite for "Voice of a Generation" Designation
abalk2 · 11/03/06 10:00AM
It turns out that Guns N' Roses' "Sweet Child O' Mine" is the voice of my generation. It narrates the 20th century's transition from optimism to disillusion, beginning with some dude's poetic idealization of his girlfriend, and dissolving amidst the sound and fury of encroaching insignificance. It's like taking your date to the malt shop and winding up in a tomb.
Looking At The Look Book: Phillip Leeds is Secretly Japanese AND Black
Emily Gould · 11/01/06 04:35PMErica Warnock, Gawker's Map Intern