
Courtney Love Vs. The Defamers

mark · 10/31/06 01:27PM

A few of our readers on the East Coast e-mailed to let us know that tenuously lucid rocker/local personality Courtney Love made the The View the latest stop on her Trip Back From The Bottom Tour, where in the course of continuing to promote her 15 months of sobriety, took some time to lament how cruelly those "awful new websites, you know, the Defamers" treated daughter Frances Bean after paparazzi caught them horseback riding on Mother's Day. We, of course, take umbrage at being lumped in as part of some blogging monolith obsessed with tormenting the teen, as we're sure we'd never cover something as inconsequential as this particular mother-daughter equestrian outing; we're far too busy with weightier matters, like stories about Mom trying to circumvent Starbucks' pet policy, loudly defending the cinematic talents of pal Brett Ratner, or catching a much-needed nap during the Borat premiere. We'd hate for Love to think that she has to compete with her own offspring for our fawning attention.

The Beginning of the End of YouTube Beginning

sUKi · 10/23/06 11:50AM

Ever since the Google/YouTube buyout was at its rumor stages, Mark Cuban wouldn't shut up about how it was going to be a legal land mine, and while we have yet to see a lawsuit against Google, he has been kinda right as takedown requests are happening more frequently than pre-buyout.

Press Releases Seamlessly Transformed into Music Reviews, and Vice Versa

Chris Mohney · 10/12/06 05:31PM

Music promotion advertorial mishmashing is old news (and perpetually new news), but sib site Idolator steps up to the plate and points the j'accuse at Gothamist's Jen Carlson. Specifically, they're humbugging Carlson's habit of flogging bands in her Gothamist music coverage that she also happens to represent via her 5th Floor Artist Management. The little bit of multipurpose genius comes in when pull quotes from those same posts are recycled as press clips for the bands. Often no disclosure declarations where such would be inconvenient, of course. A perfectly closed system of mutually beneficial interests.

Behold Your Idolator

seth · 09/14/06 04:23PM

We were so dazzled by Gawker Media spanking new music industry blog Idolator's logo—it's exactly what we picture Lindsay Lohan's cigarette case looks like moments after she leans over to blow a rail off its cover—that we almost forgot to devour the delicious groupie-candy content and savvy industry analysis within. The official blurb: "When the internet came, we overthrew the pasty white tastemakers, the duplicitous music marketers and the manufactured pop idols. And then they all came back. This is Idolator. We're so disappointed." (The full manifesto is here.) Frequent Spin and Blender contributor Brian Raftery is your editor, Maura Johnston is your associate editor, and both are out to overhaul that oft-quoted Zappa notion that "rock journalism is people who can't write interviewing people who can't talk for people who can't read." Rock blogging may be all that too, but at least you can participate in the proceedings naked and from the comfort of your own home.

Idolator Launches

Chris Mohney · 09/14/06 02:30PM

We're passing out cigars to celebrate the birth of Gawker Media's bouncing baby music blog, Idolator. In addition to covering all the hawttest music buzz, news, gossip, and tunes, Idolator will spend time performing commando assassination missions versus industry scumbags, media fossils, and music bloggers with their hands in the till. Expect extensive verbiage devoted to the digital music-o-sphere particularly, as opposed to, say, ejaculating over the drop-date of Diddy's newest. We're glad they're giving Rolling Stone's poor Jann Wenner the business, since somebody's got to, eventually. Check out Idolator's complete manifesto for further details of upcoming joy.