
Adam Weinstein · 07/23/14 10:30AM

Congressional Republicans have a new plan to address unaccompanied minors crossing into the U.S. from Mexico. It deploys U.S. troops to the border and mandates "aggressive information campaigns" in Central American nations, as well as US-run "repatriation centers" on their soil.

Here Is the Most Insane Anti-Immigration Campaign TV Ad of 2014

Adam Weinstein · 07/17/14 03:00PM

No one will beat Andrew Thomas. I mean, yes, he will likely lose the race for Arizona governor, and lose very badly. But when it comes to xenophobic pearl-clutching blabber about booting "illegals" and cowing gay liberals, Thomas is a master race unto himself.

Republican Mistakes Busload of YMCA Campers for Migrant Children

Adam Weinstein · 07/16/14 11:40AM

If you're a Republican running for Congress in Arizona, you've really got to go that extra mile to prove your cred, or at least a couple hundred feet tailing a school bus filled with migrant children as you lament the invasion of America. Just be sure they're not really summer campers from the local Y. Is Sure This Adidas Shirt's an Islamo-Mexican Terror Rug

Adam Weinstein · 07/10/14 02:20PM

Heard the news? If you only consume the mainstream media's Obamaflecting pulp, probably not: There are Muslims sneaking across the U.S.-Mexico border. The scary kind, who pray. How do we know? Because always-patriotic, never-delusional anti-government militiamen have a picture of their prayer rug.

Glenn Beck Angers Conservatives by Being Humane to Immigrants

Adam Weinstein · 07/09/14 04:15PM

Glenn Beck announced yesterday that he would personally help finance and deliver "tractor-trailers full of food, water, teddy bears and soccer balls" to the 60,000 underage undocumented immigrants detained at the U.S.-Mexico border. And some conservatives are going apeshit on him.

Private Prisons Are Getting Rich By Abusing Illegal Immigrants

Hamilton Nolan · 06/10/14 08:34AM

What sort of criminal is the target of most federal prosecutions? Mobsters? Bank robbers? No: illegal immigrants. And where do they go? To private prisons, for whom America's immigration system is a giant profit center.

Sarah Hedgecock · 05/28/14 10:25AM

A sub-Saharan migrant sits on top of a pole set in a metallic fence that divides Morocco and the Spanish enclave of Melilla on Wednesday. During a pre-dawn border storming, police from both sides tried to prevent dozens of the sub-Saharan migrants from entering from Morocco. Image via Santi Palacios/AP.

America Is Ready to Waste So Much Money on Border Security

Hamilton Nolan · 03/20/14 06:56PM

The U.S. Customs department spends several hundred million dollars on border security for our 2,000-mile border with Mexico. Congress may soon increase that amount by many billions of dollars. One thing we know for sure: we are gonna waste the hell out of that money.

A Gay Undocumented Latino Could Become UNC's Student President Today

Adam Weinstein · 02/11/14 02:58PM

It's election day at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill! Who's your pick for student body president? You have a 25 percent chance of being represented by Emilio Vicente, a homosexual from Guatemala who clambered into America through a barbed-wire fence when he was six.

Adam Weinstein · 02/04/14 01:07PM

At least one Democratic senator is willing to deport Justin Bieber. We can make this happen, America.

Adam Weinstein · 01/15/14 04:30PM

Almost missed this: A leading immigration opponent says Hispanics will cause "the unmaking of America" by voting Democratic, inviting jihadist attacks, destroying "social cohesion," yadda yadda yadda. No biggie, he's just testified to Congress on immigration a few times.