
Conservative College Kids Host “Catch an Illegal Immigrant” Game

J.K. Trotter · 11/18/13 03:00PM

The University of Texas-Austin’s Young Conservatives chapter, which “has been fighting for conservative values for more than a quarter century,” boasts of alumni like Senator Rand Paul and Congressmen Jeb Hensarling and Steve Stockman. We wonder what they think of the group’s latest stunt: A campus-wide game, called “Catch an Illegal Immigrant,” which rewards students who tackle designated Longhorns wearing “Illegal Immigrant” signs. Because they’re illegal immigrants. Get it?

Cord Jefferson · 07/23/13 04:15PM

Spanish-language station Univision is going to finish this month's sweep ratings in first place with both the 18-34 and 18-49 age demographics. Perhaps now is the time for traditional networks to try and appeal to Latino viewers instead of giving us shows in which people gamble on their babies.

Cord Jefferson · 07/01/13 05:00PM

A Bulgarian grad student and his American husband have become the first gay couple granted immigration benefits after the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act last week. Unfortunately, Traian Popov and Julian Marsh live in Florida, which continues to not recognize their union.

What's the Deal with the Immigration Reform Bill? A Guide

Max Read · 06/27/13 03:44PM

A comprehensive immigration reform bill just passed through the Senate, and you need to know what's in it (so you can most effectively fight with your old neighbor on Facebook). Here's your easy-to-understand guide to the Senate's bill and the current status of immigration reform.

Tim Kaine Delivers Pro-Immigration Speech in Spanish from Senate Floor

Cord Jefferson · 06/11/13 02:10PM

When Democratic Senator Tim Kaine threw his support behind a bipartisan immigration bill in the Senate today, he did so with a speech from the floor delivered en Español. Kaine is fluent in Spanish after having done a spell of Catholic missionary work in Latin America.

Easy Guide to Making Ghettos: a Dispatch From the Nybro Action Team

Hjalmar Sveinbjőrnsson and Alex Bejerstrand · 05/31/13 04:28PM

The Nybro Action Team consists of Hjalmar Sveinbjőrnsson and Alex Bejerstrand, two under-employed roommates living in Nybro, a small industrial town in southern Sweden. Hjalmar is a chef; Alex takes woodworking courses. Today, they write about the riots that swept Stockholm and other Swedish towns last week. We have lightly edited their post for grammar and punctuation.

Cord Jefferson · 05/21/13 07:03PM

With a vote of 13 to 5, the Senate Judiciary Committee has approved a landmark immigration bill that would offer a chance at citizenship to millions of immigrants living in America illegally.

Foreign "Crazy Ants" Attacking Southern U.S.

Ken Layne · 05/20/13 11:15AM

Monstrous "crazy ants" from Argentina and Brazil have invaded Texas and the American Southeast, driving out the already awful fire ant and making life even more miserable for those living in the South.

Moving to America Will Kill You

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 05/19/13 04:03PM

New research on the health of immigrants has found that they live longer than their children, mostly because the American way of life is a horribly unhealthy one.

Maggie Lange · 05/02/13 08:47AM

In an effort to be "fair, nuanced, and precise," the L.A. Times will "no longer refer to individuals as 'illegal immigrants' or 'undocumented immigrants,'" in favor of "describ[ing] a person's circumstances"

Cord Jefferson · 04/11/13 06:34PM

Is Mark Zuckerberg's new immigration-reform group going to fight for janitors the way it does well-educated engineers?