
Gazelle · 03/17/08 05:01PM

Pretty sure that was Paul Dano I saw from behind coming out of the trailer door marked "Brian" outside of the Prince Farm deli on Prince and Mott. Apparently he's filming "Gigantic" with Zooey Deschanel in Nolita. I would TOTALLY drink his milkshake!

Anthony De Rosa · 03/16/08 10:11AM

We love LA, cops.

Anthony De Rosa · 03/16/08 09:48AM

The guy you see being taken across the street with the green face paint has, and this is CONFIRMED, been Released. (a few hours ago actually.) Friends of his bailed him out. Bail was set at $763.00. He has two charges against him, but it's expected that they'll be dropped the second he enters the courtroom. Dekalb police step up the repressive factor — Suddenly! Arrests out of the blue. They were arrested for:

1)Protesting without a permit. Which we were told repeatedly by them before the event that we did NOT need a permit.

2)Causing offensive or hazardous conditions. Will upload what the police said to us MUCH later in the protest. Update:

ArtfulSlinger · 03/15/08 02:20PM

James McEvoy filming Wanted in Long Island City. Answered a knock on his trailer door and chatted up with fans for 20 minutes. Cute in real life - but short.

Anthony De Rosa · 03/15/08 01:57PM

Loren Feldman, who makes quirky tech commentary videos for 1938 Media, once made a video so brutal about Julia Allison that she admitted it made her cry.

workingplan · 03/15/08 07:57AM

[] Is organic farming just another hipster fad, or is it the solution to finally getting them out of Brooklyn. Discover in this article how rich kids use their parents' money to connect to the earth and follow their dreams. Find out if we can really blame Michael Pollans for the idea that, as one Billyburger put it, “Having a cool cheese in your fridge has taken the place of knowing what the cool band is, or even of playing in that band,”

Anthony De Rosa · 03/13/08 10:12AM

Radar has hired Spencer Pratt, the blond, cherubic Hills star with a heart of darkness, as their new advice columnist. "Yo Spencer!," which will tackle "problems from hot girls to family affairs," will debut in the next issue. (A sneak preview of the first column, which answers questions about smelly co-workers, girls who like threesomes, and whether one should discourage one's brother from enlisting in the army, is after the jump.) "Spencer is never afraid to speak his mind," Radar editor-in-chief Maer Roshan says in the press release. "When asking for advice, it's good to have someone who will be brutally honest with you, and tell it like it is." Sure, because that worked out really well for Heidi. You can e-mail Spencer, or whoever's writing his column, about your problems at, though it might take him a while to get back to you, since we predict that mailbox will be full of "You're a douche bag" messages in, oh, ten to twenty minutes.

Anthony De Rosa · 03/13/08 10:09AM

I was this little girl once. Trying to get back there.

James Del · 03/12/08 05:19PM

Apparently, the difference between a $3,000 hooker and a $50 hooker is the ruined aspirations. "Kristen's" Myspace page, as uncovered by NYT. She's got a decent voice, $50 bucks says Perez Hilton signs her to his new label deal before summer.

Anthony De Rosa · 03/12/08 03:56PM

In honor of our fallen governor, DealBreaker will be hosting an impromptu happy hour at Spitzer’s Corner on Manhattan’s Lower East Side starting around 5:30 this afternoon. If you get there early enough, we’ll probably spring for a round or two. We hope you’ll join us as we raise a glass to the end of the dirty, rotten legacy of Loathesome Eliot.

Anthony De Rosa · 03/12/08 09:16AM

Mark Zuckerberg meets the black internet widow.

Anthony De Rosa · 03/11/08 07:52PM

You know how you're at the Tumblr party, drunkenly caning the free whisky like there's no tomorrow and then a sexygeekboy sits down and starts chatting to you, and before you know it your legs are touching and then he's whispering in your ear that he has an early morning flight and "do you want to leave now and make a night of it?" and you're grinning and saying "yes", and then you stumble back to yours and fuck each other furiously, and you're wondering how the hell this drop-dead gorgeous man ended up in your bed, and then he writes down his email before leaving for the airport, and you curl up in bed with a huge smile on your face, waking a few hours later to Google his name and discover that he's not just any sexygeekboy but one that also happens to be famous on the internet?

Yeah, that

Anthony De Rosa · 03/10/08 11:22PM

This tips tool is a great idea but the actual interface needs some work.

ThatKid · 03/10/08 06:13PM

Valleywag now has a Tips Tool. Use with care.

SarahHeartburn · 03/10/08 12:10PM

Anthony De Rosa · 03/10/08 11:24AM

James Del · 03/10/08 10:46AM

After a fatal accident just two months ago, the painfully incomplete Trump Tower has managed to muck it up again, this time leaving industrial chains to blow freely in the wind and break about a dozen windows. Keep up the great work.