
James Del · 03/10/08 10:39AM

Gusts near 50 MPH sent a loose chain crashing into the side of the Trump SoHo tower on Saturday night, cracking windows and showering the street with glass, officials and neighborhood residents said.

The Cooler · 03/10/08 06:44AM

This is of zero interest to all Gawker readers, but I just wanted to see if it would go up anyway.

Tom Plunkett · 02/14/08 08:59AM

Senator Barack Obama emerged from Tuesday’s primaries leading Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton by more than 100 delegates, a small but significant advantage that Democrats said would be difficult for Mrs. Clinton to make up in the remaining contests in the presidential nomination battle.

Tequila Chasers Renewed

Pareene · 01/02/08 02:38PM

MTV will tape a second season of "A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila," their dating show in which the archetypical MySpace whore pretends to be bisexual and eventually "chooses" a suitor to unceremoniously dump shortly after the reunion show tapes. Whether you consider this a huge step forward for mass cultural acceptance of alternative lifestyles or are not in fact currently receiving a paycheck from MTV Networks, it's exciting news. [HuffPo]

Megan McCarthy · 07/30/07 03:16PM

Oracle co-President Charles Phillips reportedly made $19M in fiscal 2007 through salary and stock compensation, making him "one of the highest-paid non-CEO executives in Silicon Valley." [InformationWeek]

Megan McCarthy · 07/26/07 04:57PM

T-Pain, the R&B singer known for his robotic voice, is, according to Slate, the "perfect Web 2.0 pop star." [Slate]

Megan McCarthy · 07/23/07 06:49PM

Google's perks extend past the Googleplex. Before tonight's CNN/YouTube Democratic Debate, the press were treated to a "choice of salmon over couscous, bourbon-glazed pork or tenderloin au poivre." Also, Google decked out the press room with a pool table. [Hotline on Call]

C-Span founder invests in

dtweney · 01/26/07 07:30PM

C-Span founder Bob Rosencrans and a handful of other angel investors have poured an undisclosed amount of money into, a site that features webcam interviews with A-list pollitical bloggers like Mickey Kaus and Andrew Sullivan. Now we'll be able to watch even more middle-aged white guys pontificate about Iran and Obama. Continue reading

Good night, and good luck with that vlog

Paul Boutin · 12/20/06 12:06PM

The Merc buries the lede in its front page poll about the Net. Given the choice between clicking an online "citizen video" of a news event or watching it on the evening news, 70 percent would wait for the MSM report. The rest of the piece is as predictable as an Onion parody. Straight-faced blogvangelist Dan Gillmor deduces that "In a global economy ... innovation could come from anywhere.''

User-Generated Vehicular Assault

Paul Boutin · 12/20/06 12:00PM

The morning after Angry Volvo Man rammed five cars and injured four people on the streets of SF, the Chronicle begins the healing with a front-page report on PlateWire, a sort of Craigslist Missed Connections for angry angry drivers. Be warned: Five minutes of scrolling through PlateWire's sputtering, impotent posts ("Hey Jerk in the BLK BMW ... you and your ugly girl-friend") are enough to make you get behind the wheel and do something.