
Caity Weaver · 09/26/12 11:18AM

This website combines the tedium of the election with the exhilaration of balloons. Can you guess your state's balloon?

The Dirty Kind of Sun Stroke

Adrian Chen · 07/07/11 01:09PM

Here's a real infographic that ran in USA Today last Friday, July 1st. (Nobody noticed it until now because the only people who read USA Today are 74-year-old retirees.) Apparently the way the sun heats the Earth is that it gives it a hand job while whistling? In the annals of weather penises, this is a true classic.

A Brilliant Diagram of the Lord of the Rings Movies

Brian Moylan · 05/10/11 11:15AM

Want to relive the Peter Jackson's classic Lord of the Rings movies but don't have the nine hours to spare to watch them all? Check out this chart by University of Florida student JT Fridsma that plots the story of the trilogy both geographically and on a time line.

A Brilliant Map of Where Your Tax Money Is Headed

Ryan Tate · 04/18/11 03:16PM

On the day you say your final goodbyes to the government's share of your income, console yourself by checking out exactly where each dollar is going. A Google sponsored interactive visualization gives an incredibly detailed accounting.

Tennessee Is the Happiest State, According to Twitter

Max Read · 04/05/11 06:40PM

PhD student Alex Davies has set out to discover the happiest places in the world by analyzing Tweets. A noble project! But one that may need some tweaking, given that according to his data, the happiest U.S. state is Tennessee (tied with Arizona as the eighth most-unemployed state in the union) , and the happiest country is Germany (which, c'mon, it's Germany; if it were a happy country we wouldn't have had two different world wars).

How Will Americans Spend the Obama Tax Cuts?

Max Read · 12/17/10 11:48AM

The House of Representatives just approved the $858 billion tax package brokered between Republicans and President Obama! How will Americans in the lowest, highest, and median income brackets be spending that money? We break it down in a handy chart.

This Is What New Yorkers Complain About

Brian Moylan · 11/11/10 11:49AM

Wired magazine logged nearly 35,000 complaint calls to 311— New York's call-and-whine help line—and put them in this handy graph based on nature of complaint and time of call. They also break it down by bitchingest neighborhood

Lady Gaga By the Numbers

Brian Moylan · 05/10/10 11:11AM

If you haven't seen this on Twitter already, here is an awesome chart someone made breaking down all the things Lady G lusts after in the lyrics for her song "Bad Romance." But how to explain "Roma-Romama?"