
Wow—Finally Some Honesty From the Government

Brendan O'Connor · 03/16/16 09:55PM

The trains around San Francisco (the BART, or “Bay Area Rapid Transit”) is a mess tonight, as it is most nights. Just ask anyone from San Francisco! Tonight is such a mess, though, that whoever runs the @SFBART Twitter account decided to be very honest with its indignant followers.

Tom Scocca · 10/01/13 11:28AM

Homeless people and Marilyn Monroe will have to find a new source of gusts of warm air, the New York Times reports, as the Second Avenue subway is being built without sidewalk grates.

Hamilton Nolan · 07/29/13 03:04PM

More than one-fifth of American roads are in "poor" condition, and 11% of American bridges are "structurally deficient." Whee.

The Manhattan Bridge Is Falling Down

Richard Lawson · 07/24/09 02:50PM

It's actually kind of pretty and, yes, duh, of course bridges aren't completely fixed and immovable. But still it's a little disconcerting to see just how much these old things shift. Remember a couple years ago when that thing in Minnesota happened and everyone was all "America's infrastructure is crumbling and we're all doomed"? Can we focus some of that attention on New York's bridges, specifically those that go to Brooklyn? Because while I may never again have to set foot in that accursed and undesirable borough, I have many friends who still dwell and toil there and I'd like them to come visit me in my Manhattan palace without dying from bridge collapse on the way.

abalk · 08/10/07 09:00AM

"With weather forecasters predicting flash flooding and heavy thunderstorms in New York City, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority faces the possibility of additional service shutdowns Friday as it struggles to clear tracks of debris left from Tuesday's flood and readies the system to handle more rain." Our commute seemed fine this morning, but we get up pretty early. And guess what? It's STILL SLIGHTLY RAINING. [NYS]