
Carly Fiorina Accused of Stealing a Group of Toddlers For a Pro-Life Rally

Gabrielle Bluestone · 01/21/16 10:49AM

On Wednesday, Carly Fiorina just happened to give a speech on the dangers of abortion and organ harvesting in front of a group of small, bored-looking toddlers. One of the many problems with that scene, say the kids’ parents, is that she liberated them from a school trip without permission.

Report: Despite What We Is Try's No to Spin Up, Sarah Palin Trades Snow for Dirt

Allie Jones · 01/20/16 01:55PM

Earlier today, official Trump supporter Sarah Palin reportedly did not show up to a Trump rally in Iowa as planned. She seemed to deny that anything is amiss, however, in a Facebook post this afternoon. “Trading in the beautiful snow of Iowa for the red dirt of Oklahoma as planned, despite what the media is try’s no to spin up!” she wrote, in near-English. “Thank you Iowa - get out and caucus on February 1st!”

Carly Fiorina Is Trying to Pretend She Didn't Humiliate Herself on Twitter

Jordan Sargent · 01/04/16 04:32PM

The Rose Bowl, a college football game traditionally played on New Year’s Day, is a celebration of American regionalism. Historically, it pitted the champion of the Midwest’s Big Ten Conference against the champion of the Pacific Coast Conference (or its successors). The arrangement has been modified and undermined by conference realignment and college championship schemes, but most years, the premise still holds: two teams representing separate places with separate histories and cultures, West Coast versus heartland.

Donald Trump Doesn't Know Where He Is

Brendan O'Connor · 09/13/15 02:35PM

“Had a record crowd in Boone, Iowa,” Donald Trump captioned a photo taken in Ames, Iowa, and uploaded to Facebook, with the student section at Saturday’s football game between Iowa State and Iowa Universities. Wrong on both counts!

Marco Not-a-QB-o

Jordan Sargent · 08/18/15 12:37PM

Granted, this isn’t exactly Marco Rubio’s fault. No matter how old you are, if you’re going to run out for a pass, you should probably at least be able to prevent it from hitting you in the face. That said, “eager young kid unable to come through on the big stage” is a decent metaphor for Rubio’s career in national politics.

Rick Santorum Had a Campaign Rally in Iowa and Only One Person Showed Up

Adam Weinstein · 06/10/15 10:51AM

Some competitors thrive on being the underdog. Some find humor and vigor in humiliating setbacks. And some are just glass-jawed failure artists, their piled losses more befitting than any theoretical small victory. Rick Santorum is the latter, having reached mediocrity’s apogee while eating lunch alone on Monday.

Iowa Declares State of Emergency As Bird Flu Outbreak Spreads

Brendan O'Connor · 05/02/15 02:30PM

Governor Terry Branstad declared a state of emergency for Iowa on Friday, citing risks from the rapidly spreading bird flu outbreak, Reuters reports. The announcement was made after officials identified the virus’ presence at four new poultry farms. Iowa is the third state to declare a state of emergency, after Minnesota and Wisconsin did so in April.

This Ames, Iowa Advertisement Is Basically a Parks and Recreation Joke

Jordan Sargent · 05/22/14 05:05PM

So here are some things to know about Ames, Iowa, based on this adorable and rather ridiculous video called "Hooray for Ames!" which I swear is not a clip from Parks & Recreation. Ames has very clean water. Commutes to work are no longer than 20 minutes. There are 36 "recreation areas." The spring is mild. Did I mention the water?